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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Quit attacking the poor - FB conversation

FB friend O.G. posted this:

Why is it that when the 47 % (inluding the poor,elderly and disabled) use IRS loopholes to decrease their tax dept to little or none. they are considered (by the rich) to be leeches or burdens on society for their abuse of government loopholes. When the rich use IRS loopholes to decrease their tax dept to little or none They are considered good business men (women) that are taking advantage of those legal loopholes provided by the same agency. Sounds like the pots calling the kettle names again.

Me: Who does this, O.G.?

L.L. You are so right on about this O.G..

O.G.: Rich this is a compilation of the multiple tweets and comments following any USAtoday, yahoonews , Foxnews, etc... Involving either party leader (when it comes to tax policy). If you go to the comment/tweet following these articles you"ll get to read some rather scathing remarks when it come to those lower income wage earners And their tax status and the burden they are to our economy. You"ll also read some very tolerable and understanding remarks for the well to do whom exercise their ability (legally) to hide income and reduce their tax dept. I just think when someone throws out a blanket statement (like the one Mitt offered) a lot of non-deserving people get caught up in that net. Many of them are probably in his camp. I hope this answers your question.

K.H.: I see this as nothing more the political finger pointing. Both side have ownership in this issue and if they could get to some serious tax reforms and rebuild the entire IRS system to a set amount (like 10%) with no loop-holes, credits or right off..then everyone would be paying their fair share and this hypocrisy can end.

R.F.: I wouldn't put too much stock into comments following political articles. Or the articles for that matter :-).

T.P.: As a conservative, I agree with you. In my opinion, there should be a national sales tax so everybody regardless of their income pays their fair share. The national sales tax should exclude food, medical and other key living cost. By having a national sales tax, all imbedded taxes on business are eliminated thus reducing the overall tax cost to all and would reduce cost overall. PLUS there would be no loopholes!

O.G.: I like that Kevin and I"ve always been for a flat tax Tom.

Me: A blanket statement? He was discussing campaign strategy. He was saying that his message of cutting taxes would not gain votes who pay no taxes.

M.E.: Flat tax is where it's at. Solves all problems. Done and done. And listen, I say less than intelligent things all the time and you don't see me running for president. I know better. I don't think it would accomplish anything by calling everyone "bitches" once provoked by the opposing team. Hahaha

O.G.: Just sayin. Seems their statement is. If you're poor. Your exploiting the system. If your rich. You're taking advantage of it.

R.F.: That's how you heard it - so can't argue it. Everyone applies different filters.

Me: Agreed, R.F.. As a conservative/libertarian, what I hear more than anything is the Left demonizing the rich for not paying their fair share. They're greedy, selfish, corrupt... So when O.G. mentions the poor being attacked, it's like a 180 for me.

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