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Friday, May 19, 2023

Letter to the editor: Gallatin High admins failed by allowing Tate column - by Erika Madden

Found here. Our comments in bold.

The letter writer shows her leftist bonafides by opening her letter with all the usual name calling, which she deems "well-documented facts." She is writing to object to a student op-ed in the school newspaper. The student has opinions she doesn't like about a person she doesn't like, and that is sufficient for her to demand he be silenced. She even pursued the issue to the point of complaining to the student advisor and the school principal.  

Moreover, she has taken to social media to express her opinion, and has doubtless called all her leftist friends to goad them into action. Like all leftists, she doesn't tolerate opinions that deviate from The Narrative. She doesn't like any kind of diversity except the approved diversity.

By all accounts Andrew Tate seems like a reprehensible character, so our intent is not to defend him. But we should note that Tate claims to be a Muslim, and is also half African-American. So he ticks a couple of the approved diversity boxes. 

But yet he's a target. Why?

Simple. For the Left, it's never about misogyny, racism, sexism, equity, or diversity. No, those are only convenient excuses. What matters is Tate's ideology. He could be a gay trans black women in a wheelchair, but if he's not Left, he's anathema. If he were Left, he would get a pass on all the things the letter writer accuses him of, because The Agenda is more important than anything. The Agenda is to remove the existing American system (it's systemically racist, after all) and install the Left's system, Marxism. 

Tate's ideology is the complete opposite, which makes any and every attack justifiable. 

Andrew Tate is a misogynist, abuser, and pornographer. Currently detained in Romania while under investigation for rape and human trafficking, he’s remained influential among millions of boys due to his viral teachings around achieving an “ultra-masculine,” wealthy lifestyle — one that has the subjugation of women at its core.

Among Tate’s tenets? Women are “barely sentient,” bear blame for being raped, are men’s property, shouldn’t be permitted to drive, and don’t belong in the workplace.

Throughout the U.S., U.K., and Canada, teachers are struggling to combat a frightening rise in sexism and harassment by boys toward their girl classmates — with boys pointing to Tate as the justification for their behavior.

Yet, despite these well-documented facts, Gallatin High School allowed its student newspaper to publish an opinion by a middle school boy in its April issue that peddled numerous falsities about Tate to sanitize his extreme misogyny and spread dangerous misinformation about women and mental health.

The article baselessly ties women’s rising antidepressant use to “pursuing their careers.” (The solution? Staying home “to do housework.”) Moreover, the article’s logic suggests that women’s freedoms drive divorce and male suicides.

As a concerned parent of a GHS student, I met with the newspaper’s advisor and Principal Erica Schnee to learn more. After all, Bozeman School District Policy #3221 is clear that student publications “may not…demean any race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.”

Inexplicably, I was told “nothing” in the article was demeaning to girls. They also informed me that, despite Policy #3221, the school only prohibits discriminatory speech based on race and ethnicity—not gender. In the end, GHS refused to attempt a remedy.

This response is absurd. By allowing the distribution of bogus, anti-woman narratives, GHS administrators have abdicated their responsibility to provide a safe and non-discriminatory learning environment — a requirement by law.

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