This is craziness from beginning to end. The author employs every leftist rhetorical device he can think of to equate Trump with Hitler, finding connections where none exist, making outlandish assertions backed by no evidence at all, and constructing scenarios that can only be described as the product of a fevered imagination.
This is craziness from beginning to end. The author employs every leftist rhetorical device he can think of to equate Trump with Hitler, finding connections where none exist, making outlandish assertions backed by no evidence at all, and constructing scenarios that can only be described as the product of a fevered imagination.
In the immediate aftermath of the Trump-inspired insurrection of January 6, (Insurrection: an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government or ruler and take control of the country, usually by violence. The January 6th incident was not an insurrection. Trump inspired no part of the riot. The timeline of his remarks compared to the rioting makes this impossible.)
Hitler never let go of his grievance that Germany would have won World War I. While it was obvious to the rest of the world, along with Germany's generals, that the country had run out of reserves and was being overwhelmed by the late entrance of the United States into the war, Hitler repeated the lie of betrayal at every opportunity--even after he took control of Germany's government in 1933. It's a lie that bears obvious similarities to Trump's about a stolen election. Despite dozens of court rulings to the contrary, (There has been exactly zero court rulings regarding the evidence of election fraud. Zero. Every ruling has been about standing or procedure. Zero evidence of fraud has been actually presented in any court or seen by any judge. Zero.)
In the immediate aftermath of the Trump-inspired insurrection of January 6, (Insurrection: an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government or ruler and take control of the country, usually by violence. The January 6th incident was not an insurrection. Trump inspired no part of the riot. The timeline of his remarks compared to the rioting makes this impossible.)
senior Republicans were nearly apoplectic in their outrage, with several endorsing expected in-depth investigations. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), tweeted that the attack "was horrific & appalling... I agree w/Speaker Pelosi--a 911-type investigation is called for to help prevent this from happening again."
Yet Republicans, under clear pressure from Trump, (Undocumented.)
Yet Republicans, under clear pressure from Trump, (Undocumented.)
have shifted to such an extent that they are now seeking to block an in-depth bipartisan investigation by Congress. (There are already numerous investigations underway. Another investigation is simply redundant and nothing more than theatre.)
Given the trend here, from outrage and condemnation to acceptance, we might do well to wonder: What comes next in positioning the January 6 events? Unbelievable as it might sound now, one logical next step would be to begin repositioning the Capitol insurrection into a day of glory and national celebration, perhaps even a national holiday. (This is utter nonsense. It is the Left who memorializes violence. For example, the BLM and Antifa violence and mayhem of last summer is celebrated and deemed noble. And these perpetrators are left uninvestigated, unlike the Jan. 6 incident.)
We actually have a model of how that might come about in Adolph Hitler's (Um, yeah. Godwin's Law, anyone? The author want to create a link to Hitler's actions without context or justification so as to plant insidious intentions perpetrated by unnamed parties who are supposedly undertaking unnamed actions to do eeevil Hitler-things.)
We actually have a model of how that might come about in Adolph Hitler's (Um, yeah. Godwin's Law, anyone? The author want to create a link to Hitler's actions without context or justification so as to plant insidious intentions perpetrated by unnamed parties who are supposedly undertaking unnamed actions to do eeevil Hitler-things.)
November 9, 1923 "Beer Hall Putsch," which followed a script amazingly similar to Trump's January 6 Capitol insurrection. (There are no similarities.)
Just as Trump complained endlessly that the November 2020 election had been stolen from him, Hitler as an up-and-coming pol complained in rousing speeches before thousands during the summer and fall of 1923 that Germany's expected victory in World War I had been stolen by its defeatist politicians, the "November criminals" who surrendered in fall 1918. (That is, anyone who complains about election results are Hitler.)
And just as there was a pitched battle between insurrectionists and police resulting in deaths and injuries at the U.S. Capitol, (Wow. Now the author flat-out lies. Four people died from heart attacks or other medical reasons, and one unfortunate unarmed lady was shot by Capitol Police. No one in the large crowd killed anyone, fired a weapon, or beat anyone up.)
And just as there was a pitched battle between insurrectionists and police resulting in deaths and injuries at the U.S. Capitol, (Wow. Now the author flat-out lies. Four people died from heart attacks or other medical reasons, and one unfortunate unarmed lady was shot by Capitol Police. No one in the large crowd killed anyone, fired a weapon, or beat anyone up.)
a gun battle broke out on November 9, 1923, during a march by 2,000 Nazis to take over the Bavarian government; four police were killed, along with two dozen of Hitler's followers and militia members. Both countries attempted in their own way to punish the plotters. A German court sentenced Hitler to five years in prison for treason. America's version of prison was to cut Trump's Twitter and Facebook bullhorns.
While there were obvious and important differences between Hitler's circumstances in 1924 and Trump's in 2021 (their age, political experience, personal finances, for starters), (Um, how about Trump has already served as president for four years How about he left office on schedule Jan. 20th, he was never authoritarian, or how he never interred anyone or carried out a pogrom against his detractors? This means there are no similarities whatsoever. None of the predicted things occurred as feared by hyperventilating leftists.
While there were obvious and important differences between Hitler's circumstances in 1924 and Trump's in 2021 (their age, political experience, personal finances, for starters), (Um, how about Trump has already served as president for four years How about he left office on schedule Jan. 20th, he was never authoritarian, or how he never interred anyone or carried out a pogrom against his detractors? This means there are no similarities whatsoever. None of the predicted things occurred as feared by hyperventilating leftists.
And of course there was no Trump insurrection.)
Hitler never let go of his grievance that Germany would have won World War I. While it was obvious to the rest of the world, along with Germany's generals, that the country had run out of reserves and was being overwhelmed by the late entrance of the United States into the war, Hitler repeated the lie of betrayal at every opportunity--even after he took control of Germany's government in 1933. It's a lie that bears obvious similarities to Trump's about a stolen election. Despite dozens of court rulings to the contrary, (There has been exactly zero court rulings regarding the evidence of election fraud. Zero. Every ruling has been about standing or procedure. Zero evidence of fraud has been actually presented in any court or seen by any judge. Zero.)
Trump repeated the lie (An opinion is not a lie.)
prior to the January 6 insurrection and during the speeches and tweets that day; he and his supporters continue to repeat it, to the extent that polls show something on the order of two-thirds to three-fourths of Republican voters believe it to be true. Moreover, in overseeing a Republican party intent on suppressing the vote in dozens of states via restrictive new voting laws, (There has been no voter suppression. See, we can use the same tactics as the author; we will simply deny the assertion without comment and move on.)
Trump and the Republicans are remaking our election system, (Um, has the author never heard of HB-1? This is exactly what the Democrats are doing, on a national scale!)
and increasing the likelihood of minority rule; for example, Georgia's newly enacted voting law gives the Republican-dominated legislature the power to remove officials of the state's certifying board, thereby setting up the possibility of canceling out the majority vote following an election.
Hitler reveled as well in the failed coup, with the November anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch becoming a time of important celebration for Hitler, even after he became Germany's Fuhrer. He had the graves of some of the Nazis killed during the November 9 march dug up and the remains reburied with high honors. It was no accident that Kristallnacht, the burning of Jewish shops and synagogues around Germany, occurred on November 9, 1938. Trump has suggested a similar ongoing celebration of the January 6 coup attempt with his carefully crafted and haunting Tweet the night of the failed insurrection: "These are the things that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long... Remember this day forever!" (The author increasingly grasps at straws.)
The power of lies and grievance are strong. Since Trump appears incapable or unwilling to shift from his stance that the insurrection he fomented was a moment of glory to overturn fraudulent election results, it will be up to Republicans to remember their original outrage over the invasion of the Capitol and support an exhaustive bipartisan investigation of how and why it happened. Then, once the probe confirms the insurrection was intended to violently disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, Republicans need to reverse their backing of voter suppression efforts, and help make January 6 a day of national mourning and remembrance. (Utter rubbish.)
Hitler reveled as well in the failed coup, with the November anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch becoming a time of important celebration for Hitler, even after he became Germany's Fuhrer. He had the graves of some of the Nazis killed during the November 9 march dug up and the remains reburied with high honors. It was no accident that Kristallnacht, the burning of Jewish shops and synagogues around Germany, occurred on November 9, 1938. Trump has suggested a similar ongoing celebration of the January 6 coup attempt with his carefully crafted and haunting Tweet the night of the failed insurrection: "These are the things that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long... Remember this day forever!" (The author increasingly grasps at straws.)
The power of lies and grievance are strong. Since Trump appears incapable or unwilling to shift from his stance that the insurrection he fomented was a moment of glory to overturn fraudulent election results, it will be up to Republicans to remember their original outrage over the invasion of the Capitol and support an exhaustive bipartisan investigation of how and why it happened. Then, once the probe confirms the insurrection was intended to violently disrupt the peaceful transfer of power, Republicans need to reverse their backing of voter suppression efforts, and help make January 6 a day of national mourning and remembrance. (Utter rubbish.)
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