Found here. My comments in bold.
As is typical for the Doctrinal Police, Pirate Christian hyperventilates over an innocuous statement.
As is typical for the Doctrinal Police, Pirate Christian hyperventilates over an innocuous statement.
If you visit the supplied link, you will find that Pirate Christian is working only from the information provided by the bookseller. I sincerely doubt they read the book.
If this is true, they have no idea what James Goll actually meant by the quoted statement.
The Elijah List sent out this promotion for James Goll’s new book:
The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation -- by James W. Goll
Everything is backwards, upside down and twisted in this strange world of the NAR Super Apostles. Yes, discernment is truly something lacking in the Christian Church today, but with teachers like James Goll it is getting much worse.
Instead of looking to God’s all-sufficient Word, Goll is teaching people to become fortune-tellers and soothsayers, while tacking on a few Bible verse here and there to appear legitimate.
Here’s an awful and blasphemous quote from Goll:

“The Word became flesh” is a reference to Jesus Christ, but Goll gleefully attributes the qualities of God to himself. This is “Blasphemy 101.” (Based on a short statement, isolated from context or explanation, Pirate Christian deems Goll to be a heretic. One might think that it would be worth the time to explore the intent of his statement, but of course it's much easier to condemn and dismiss.
The Elijah List sent out this promotion for James Goll’s new book:
The Discerner: Hearing, Confirming, and Acting on Prophetic Revelation -- by James W. Goll
Everything is backwards, upside down and twisted in this strange world of the NAR Super Apostles. Yes, discernment is truly something lacking in the Christian Church today, but with teachers like James Goll it is getting much worse.
Instead of looking to God’s all-sufficient Word, Goll is teaching people to become fortune-tellers and soothsayers, while tacking on a few Bible verse here and there to appear legitimate.
Here’s an awful and blasphemous quote from Goll:

“The Word became flesh” is a reference to Jesus Christ, but Goll gleefully attributes the qualities of God to himself. This is “Blasphemy 101.” (Based on a short statement, isolated from context or explanation, Pirate Christian deems Goll to be a heretic. One might think that it would be worth the time to explore the intent of his statement, but of course it's much easier to condemn and dismiss.
Pirate Christian writes, "Here’s an awful and blasphemous quote." What? Did Goll really claim the qualities of God? Did he claim he was the Word? No, clearly not. "I want to become that word" is nothing like "I am the Word of God."
On the basis of Goll's statement, we cannot conclude what Pirate Christian claims. Unless they have some secret information that they aren't telling us. I rather think that they're simply reading a whole lot into Goll's statements.)
“And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.” — 1 John 1:14
This verse is all about Jesus being the Word that became flesh. Obviously! But James Goll turns it into a verse about us being the word that became flesh. What the?? This is so terribly wrong that maybe James Goll is some obscure cult leader, right?
(Again, we are working from the limits of the statement. First sentence: "I want to do more than hear a word from God." This is not much different than what James commands us to do:
Ja. 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Paul echoes this thought.
Col. 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...
"I want to become that word." Pirate Christian seems to think this is the author's claim to deity. But it sounds more like the author's ambition to become more sanctified, more Christ-like.
Jn. 17:17 Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
The work of the Living Word of Christ in us is to bring about change and transformation.
2Co. 3:18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Ga. 4:19 My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you...
The word is carried by us, it is planted in us, it gives us life. Becoming Christ-like implies becoming more like His word. Obedience to His word, being transformed by His word, being conformed to His word, is clearly the command of Scripture.
We therefore deem Pirate Christian to be in hyperbolic error.)
Discernment is what the Holy Spirit gives us THROUGH THE BIBLE! False teachers like James Goll are always giving speeches and writing books that claim to have new information that will help you learn stuff that goes beyond the Bible. On top of that, they end up taking God off the throne and climbing into the driver’s seat themselves.
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