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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Hillsongs' "So WIll I" and evolution

"So Will I" is all over Christian radio, and we think deservedly so to a large degree. It is a beautiful expression of the Creator, well written and excellently performed.

Except for verse 2. Some people are in a lather over the word "evolving." Here it is:

All nature and science
Follow the sound of Your voice

And as You speak
A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath
Evolving in pursuit of what You said
If it all reveals Your nature so will I

Let's let Joel Houston, worship leader for Hillsongs NYC, explain via his tweets:

What I like about Joel Houston's tweets is he basically says that what we believe about God doesn't change who He is. Mr. Houston acknowledges the various perspectives without actually taking sides. And his critics so badly want him to take sides.

Ken Ham writes:
If Joel Houston would state in writing that he rejects evolution and the big bang and that he believes in a young earth and universe (approximately 6,000 years old) and that God created in six literal (approximately 24-hour) days, and if he would explain what he means by the words science and evolving in the song, we will gladly publish a correction. Also, I would like to publicly invite him to come visit the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, and I would gladly give him a personal tour.
That is, if Joel Houston would just toe the line then everything will be ok. Apparently there is some sort of extra-biblical orthodoxy that must be acknowledged at the peril of being eternally condemned for heresy.

This is the nit-picking of the Doctrinal Police. They demand utter conformity with every jot and tittle of their perfect doctrine. The smallest deviation is subjected to extreme sanction. Rather than be allowed to celebrate the wonder of our creative God via an articulate worship song, we are reduced to quibbling about secondary issues. Sad.

We should say we believe in a literal 6 day creation. There is no reason to think God isn't capable of achieving the totality of creation as described in Genesis. But also, we don't think the earth has to be 6000 years old. There is no biblical requirement to do so.

One other thing. Let's look at the offending verse again:

All nature and science
Follow the sound of Your voice

And as You speak
A hundred billion creatures catch Your breath
Evolving in pursuit of what You said
If it all reveals Your nature so will I

Nature and science "follow." And creation evolves according to His word. We think it's pretty clear that it's God's order, God's agenda, and God's sovereign purposes that are being celebrated here.

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