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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A woman has a right to her own body - FB conversaton

Rod  shared The Conservative Millennial's video.
Yesterday at 3:20am
Amelia  I just love how everyone and their effing brother point out every bad thing about planned parenthood and none of the good. Come with both sides not just the negative. Pph also promotes safe sex as well as exams to those who couldn't afford it otherwise. When they shut them down in the mid west they had HIV epidemics within a year. If folks want to focus on the bad then youve got to look at all medical facilities as well because pph isn't the only facility that performs abortions and that's not the only thing they do.

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Rod Most community health systems provide all those services without providing abortions and as someone who is adopted I am glad that there wasn't Legal abortions in 1958 or 1956


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Amelia  Legalizing it changed women's healthcare in a way. So they had a safe place to turn instead of backdoor unqualified people who put those women at risk or the women who in desperate attempts would use coat hangers and suffer painful deaths due to what they were doing. I'm not saying that this should be an alternative for birth cointrol whatsoever but in many circumstances i.e. rape where pregnancy is the result it should be any woman's right to choose and not a bunch of men who never have and never will have to deal with what women do. It is our body and our health and NO male has any right to decide what I can and can not do with my body. It's a very sadistic and backwards way of thinking. If you research it there are many Obama approved plans that allow willful termination and many clinics that offer it not just PPH. I am very happy that you are here but be mindful of those who didn't get to have the choice when they were held down and taken advantage of and have no where to turn. Once again this clinic provides much more than just abortion unfortunately that's all anyone can focus on. If and when my children are ready to engage in sexual activity I would hope that if they couldn't come to me that there would be a place like pph they could go to for low to no cost birth control and more information on how to protect themselves. Keep in mind not every situation is a safe one.

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Rod  Incest and rape account for very few abortions and the are the morning after pill. Over 90% Planned parent services are for abortions and the medical services in connection to it to include the sale of the aborted babies. To use tax payer money to fund them is wrong in my eyes. Let them get funding by donations


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Amelia  https://www.thecut.com/.../misconceptions-about-planned... 
Abortion services actually only make up 3% of services that planned parenthood provides. 
There are several articles that provide these statistics.

9 Things People Get Wrong About Planned Parenthood

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Rod  https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../for-planned.../...

For Planned Parenthood abortion stats, ‘3 percent’ and ’94 percent’ are both…


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Me I identify as female, so apparently I have a right to tell you what you can do with your body...

Oh, and by the way, helmet laws, non-FDA approved drugs, seat belt laws, sell your own organs, military draft - there are plenty of ways that people tell you want you can and can't do with your own body.


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Amelia  So you really think that helmet laws and what you've mentioned are similar to my reproductive health seriously. So identifying as female good for you but you still would have no bearing on my body as an individual that's a pretty crap way to look at it I hope you don't have children that are girls because that is a very sad and heartbreaking way to think about it. Everyone has their right to their own opinions so don't be an asshole just because others don't agree with you. And just because you identify doesn't mean you would ever have the right to tell me what I can do with my own body get the fuck outta here with that bullshit. Seriously.

UNCLE I love ya but Fuck anyone who feels they can tell another person what they can and can not do with their reproductive health.

When you're able to have a period then I might be able to not be so strong headed about the BS. I don't go around telling men how they need to take care of their dicks do I.... Nope cause it's none of my damn business.

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Me Typical leftist. Can't go a whole paragraph without getting personal. 

Don't tell me what to think, you tyrant.
Amelia  It is very personal. To say that just because I am a woman that someone else thinks they know my body better than I do when they themselves have no idea what it's like to be a woman and go through periods, birth, menopause etc. just for shits and giggles what if the tables were turned and every woman in the US had say what every man could and couldn't do with his body and reproductive health how would that pan out would you just be cool with it or would you say screw that and fight against it because it's your health and not theirs and you know better for and about your body than any woman would. And if name calling is what ya gotta do go ahead. P.S. doll I'm not leftist or right. Lmao tyrant😂😂😂 thanks never thought I had that type of presence.

Me What don't you try some more profanity and call me some more names? That certainly makes your argument in favor of killing babies.
Amelia  Maybe you need to reread what I wrote because at no point did I call you names hun. Did I cuss hell yeah I did cause it's frustrating sorry to have "offeneded" you.


Me "...don't be an asshole..."

Oh, and don't forget how I'm a bigot, hater, and misogynist. I'm sure you know the drill, since you so perfectly spout leftist talking points.
Don't forget to block me.
Amelia  Never said you were any of those things so please don't put words in my mouth


Amelia  Why would I block you? You have every right to your opinion just as I do

Me "...And just because you identify doesn't mean you would ever have the right to tell me what I can do with my own body..."


Amelia  Maybe try not judging folks so hard just because they don't agree with you. You might be surprised and maybe learn something you didn't know. Keeping an open mind is an awesome thing.


Amelia   Rich  this isn't name calling this is a statement and it's the truth


Me "...You have every right to your opinion just as I do..."Amelia  Well I'm gonna go got life to handle but thankyou for the conversation it's been interesting and eye opening. Hope you enjoy the sun today.😊

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