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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Writer too quick to pass judgement on Dolan - letter by Rev. Val Zdilla

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
Peter Arnone wrote a letter to the editor, which apparently riled Reverend Zdilla.

First Mr. Arnone's letter: 

Ho-hum. Or, in Hillary Clinton’s arrogant parlance, “What difference does it make?” From one of their own, the leftist media yawned at a most alarming statement yet made by a Democrat leader.

From the Buffalo News (Jan. 17), Gov. Andrew Cuomo stated in a radio interview, “If they are extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York.” Does this not ring of pre-World War II Germany as that government marginalized people as enemies of the state?

Cuomo defined “extreme conservatism” as being anti-gay for opposing same-sex marriage, being pro-life, and favoring legalization of already legal “assault” weapons. Amazing, Cuomo’s own Catholic Church opposes same-sex marriage and abortion. Yet New York’s spineless Cardinal Timothy Dolan refuses to rebuke his pal Cuomo as an apostate. Cuomo officials later backtracked, saying the governor’s remarks were aimed at extremist conservative Republican candidates. In other words, tradition loving, Constitution supporting, “tea party” Americans. As a former New Yorker, it is safe to say millions of New Yorkers are insulted as they fall into the very category Cuomo denigrates.

While Cuomo wants those who don’t conform to his own extreme leftist politics out of New York, New York advertises on national TV that “New York is open for business.” Fat chance. The middle class and businesses are fleeing socialist New York. Does this impact Montana? The dictatorial, anti-Christian wave of Obama administration policy is flooding red state America. What Democrat Cuomo said is merely a reflection.

Reported in New Yorker magazine (Jan. 19), Obama now endorses nationwide marijuana legalization. You can talk about the stock bubble or debt bubble bursting. But no one is talking about the puss-pocket of moral bankruptcy burdening the American people, especially the American family. While Democrats think the president walks on water, the American ship of state sinks further.

Peter Arnone

Now for the Reverend's letter:

I was deeply troubled reading Mr. Peter Arnone’s ad hominim (sic) attack on New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan (A little hyperbole here. First, the Reverend's incorrect usage of the term "ad hominem." An ad hominem is defined as where "a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the person who offered the argument." In other words, Cardinal Dolan would offer an argument, and Mr. Arnone would reject the argument based on some irrelevant personal attribute, i.e., "His argument is faulty because his feet smell."

Second, the use of the word "attack." In these days of political acrimony where the level of debate has descended to schoolyard fighting, the use of the word "spineless" seems very mild, indeed. More relevant is that from Mr. Arnone's perspective, it's probably a pretty accurate assessment of his view of Cardinal Dolan. Many others share this opinion of him. So for me at least, it is hardly an outrageous claim.) 

and by that the American Catholic Church in his Sunday letter of Jan. 27. Not sure of his brand of Christianity, but with so many in the U.S. it is not easy to know what many American denominations believe. As a member of the over 1 billion Catholic Christians in this world an attack on Cardinal Dolan without knowing much of our church or even the teachings of Christ in matters of conflicts among peoples is troubling. While I can agree with his anger toward political figures and their public stances, to somehow think that Cardinal Dolan is “spineless” because he chose to not publicly respond as perhaps you or I would is far from true. It reflects a long held Christian value. As Jesus Christ himself says in scripture, we are to go to our offender first before bringing it to the public. (The reverend states he doesn't know about Mr. Arnone's religious persuasions, but nevertheless feels free to apply his version of proper scriptural behavior upon him. But more importantly, I wonder if the reverend recognizes the irony of informing Mr. Arnone of the proper way of dealing with conflicts, yet writes a letter to the editor, himself criticizing Mr. Arnone, rather than going directly to Mr. Aronone?)

I am confident that Cardinal Dolan has the avenues of communication with all elected officials in the city if not the entire state of New York, governor Cuomo included. And he does not hold back when our values are attacked. He as we all as all Catholic Christians should just follow the Lord’s teachings on these matters. In time, and on his terms I am sure Cardinal Dolan will make public his response. All of us including our leaders are public figures and not above criticism concerning our decisions. Well constructed arguments that are based on facts are even better. However in this particular correct, the author is not correct in his judgment. (Which itself is a judgment.)

Rev. Val Zdilla

Pastor, Resurrection University Catholic Church


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