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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Goals statement - Worship

  • Immediate Goals –

    1)     Teaching/training for worship team on the meaning, purpose, and practice of worship
    2)     Teaching/training for congregation on the meaning, purpose, and practice of worship
    3)     Worship team worship sessions:
    a)     that are not preparation for Sunday
    b)     A time for getting to know each other musically
    c)     A time to discover strengths, gifts, weaknesses, preferences, tastes, etc.
    d)     A time to enhance skills and discernment
    4)     Improvisational worship sessions/song writing/Holy Spirit immersion for the worship team:
    a)     A music-based exploration of the depths of worship
    b)     Learning to follow the flow of the Spirit
    c)     How to musically express the Word
    d)     Enhancing the ability of the worship team to hear and act upon the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
    5)     Monthly congregational worship services

    Short Term Goals –

    1)     Expand the experience of worship of the worship team and congregation
    2)     Expand the number of musicians trained in spiritual worship.
    3)     Emphasis on original worship songs
    4)     Record worship every Sunday, assembling material for an album
    5)     Increase congregational participation in worship
    a)     physical and vocal expressions
    b)     spontaneous songs
    c)     recognizing the move of the Holy Spirit
    6)     Add purposeful times during the service, allocated for unstructured worship

    Long Term Goals

    1)     Become a hub of worship in the Gallatin valley, where people recognize C3 church as the place where worshipers go to worship.
    2)     Start a School of Worship, which might initially be weekend seminars, expanding to an actual immersive training school.
    3)     Start a Christian music recording studio where musicians/worship bands can make albums
    4)     Create regular valley-wide worship times with many worship teams
    5)     Send our worship teams to churches who desire training in worship, or who have weak or non-existent worship teams.

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