Is anyone else physically sick with anticipation over Tuesday? The right side of my brain keeps telling me with this presidents record there is NO WAY he can win a second term. The left side continues to utter only one word... Ohio. Not even the train wreck of the Jimmy Carter presidency had America in the lurch it sees itself in today. With all his faults, President Carter never questioned the sovereignty of this great nation. If we ever needed morning in America it is now...
It's morning in America.
S.R.: Sick? Really? First of all you were barely alive during Carter. Second of all the welfare programs which drive Montana's economy, house its poor, as well as charities like Habitat for Humanity were formed under Carter. But enough with the rhetoric spilling out Paul "We will just teach abstinence, and that will make everyone virgins" Ryan's mouth. Mitt even agrees that Obama inherited the financial crisis we are now in. The fact is, deregulation and corporate greed caused this mess. I have been in the bottom of the top tax bracket since I was 20. When the rest of you are philosophizing about the national debt, its actually me that is paying it. And I would rather pay it than have a politician tell my daughter what to do with her vagina. I would rather pay it than tell your kids they have to learn music and art from YouTube because congress needed another junket. I would rather pay it than tell your father and mother in law that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the VA are now vouchers that no longer support them, so rich guys can get richer. I voted for trickle down and deregulation. I believed it and I own the responsibility for its failure. However, it would be reckless of me to vote that back in to office. 1 guy is not going to fix the world economy. But the guy that is making you sick happens to be the war hawk that sent terrorism sprawling, something my party could not do. He is also the guy bringing those troops home to their families so we can rebuild our infrastructure. So, if you are going to vote republican, vote because you think life begins at conception and Romney and Ryan will reverse Roe v Wade. But vote because of facts, not because of sound bites. In any case, its not going to make me sick if Romney wins, it will just make me shrug and say "Oh well, I hope my family in Montana can survive what they voted themselves into.
S.R.: Before you vote you might check out page vii and then ask yourself it will still be around after Tuesday
Me: Hmmm. S.R., not one thing you wrote has any factual basis.
S.R.: Rich, saying its not true does not make it so. I challenge you to fact check any of it. You can start with the US Census, I supplied the link.
Me: It is you who supplied us with 500 words of unsupported assertions. I am under no obligation to fact check you until you cite your sources. And let me give you a little hint. The ravings of lunatic leftist websites do not count as sources.
S.R.: Rich, if you think the census bureau is a "lunatic leftist" website, then good luck in your cave and congratulations on your blissful ignorance. Anyone that lives in Montana and does not know that Montana is a welfare state probably thinks Obama was not born here, so here is some obligatory comedy....
Me: Your extended bumpersticker litany of assertions regurgitated from DNC talking points have nothing to do with the census link. Once again I put it to you, tell me your sources for virgins and veterans building infrastructure and deregulation causing the meltdown, because none of this even passes the smell test.
S.R.: If you have no sense of what caused our current financial crisis AND the Wall Street crash of 1929, I am not going to give you a class in global finance. But if you have any care for your future you might want to stop listening to the bobble head on your dash board and get informed.
"We renew our call for replacing “family planning” programs for teens with abstinence education which teaches abstinence until marriage as the responsible and respected standard of behavior."
Do I need to explain that a virgin is some one that abstains from sex until marriage? Do you think the GOP official website ( is a lunatic leftist website.Did you even know they had a website? Do you think telling some teenager not to have sex is going to keep them from having sex?
I am a RINO (I will let you google that). Abortion is not a liberal ideal, its a conservative value. It is much cheaper to pay for a woman's abortion than to pay for the welfare and penal system expenses of that child after birth. Conservatives do not want to pay for people to suck on our tit their whole life. Abortion pre-empts that. Pro-life is actually a religious ideal, not a conservative one. And actually, pro-lifers are just pro-birth, because they don't care or want to know what happens to the child after its born and certainly don't want to pay for its care afterwards. Its ridiculous to be anti-abortion and resent welfare programs
If you don't know that Mitt & Ryan want to turn entitlements into vouchers, then you are entirely uninformed and that sucks.
Here is what a conservative viewpoint looks like sans religious filters. Its 6 minutes of incontrovertible facts.
Me: I can see that you don't like it when people contest what you believe. It's a sign of narrowmindedness. Assuming people are ignorant or misled without evidence is bigotry. You have no idea what I believe, yet you pontificate about what is conservative.
What's worse, you belch endless pendantic prose as if by your many words you prove yourself articulate. But you seem unable to focus on anything in particular, instead preferring to bring up a plethora of unrelated topics in scattergun fashion.
Really, sir, you will have to grant me a higher position or yourself a lower one in order for us to dialogue. I am assuming you are posting here to dialogue. If not, have a happy life.
S.R.: On the contrary, I don't like it when people are uninformed and spread that ignorance as convicted truth. That is easily the best catalyst for things like racism, prejudice and of course bigotry. Further, you opined your belief structure by attacking the veracity of my original statement. So yes, I do have some idea of what you believe. Some how you think census data is contrived liberal pandering. Even faced with GOP evidence of Paul Ryan's stance on sex education you cannot admit you are wrong. The fact is, I did dumb it down for you. I gave you an HBO series that in 6 minutes gave you all the due diligence anyone seeking the truth would need. Any man of reason would consume that knowledge and at the very least admit a grave misunderstanding of the world around him. Since you cannot, it is easy for me to assert that you are most likely a conspiracy theorist that lives in a provincial town. That stereotype generally accuses others of being narrow minded. You can Google that last reference, but it is in at least 2 pysch books I inherited from my father which he bought in the '60's. So its not a new paradigm.
Me: Uninformed? I have yet to express an opinion, except to point out your astonishing arrogance and persistent boorishness. Arrogance that includes armchair diagnosis of my supposed psychosis based on a couple of books your daddy gave to you! How precious.
You really don't understand the level of your presumption, do you? You really think that the only smart people are the people who agree with you? Your smug condescension is beneath both reasoned discourse and civil debate. I can only hope that the mist of your fairytale land starts to disperse in the future, and then we might have some profitable exchanges like adults do.
However, despite your pretension, I will extend one more opportunity for you to put together a cogent thought or two. Pick one topic from your diatribe, defend the position, and I will respond.
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