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Friday, June 15, 2012

Jesus and government - FB conversation

FB friend B.C. posted this: So this explains why our nation is so messed up in so many ways, all of us have something to change.

S.C.: Oh that Jesus he just has to ruin everything!! Feed the hungry,care for the sick and poor. That aint gonna fly!! 

B.C.: The sad truth is this, government continues to expand thereby reducing the effectiveness of the church, yes the church and most Christians feed the hungry, care for the sick, visit those in prison etc., the difference is the church requires accountability and government not so much.

S.C.: Why should anything the government does or does not do have any affect on churches?? Religion is not government. I have read the Ryan budget(God help me it was sooo hard to get through) gonna be alot more people seeking help!

Me: Government cannot be compassionate. It is not a person with feelings. Government inserts itself into our compassion opportunities, taking our resources in the form of taxes. It prevents us from being compassionate.

S.C.: I am not prevented from being compassionate by anyone or anything. I choose to help others and to fight for what I believe in. I stand up and use the brain and heart that I have to try and make this a better world. I choose to be compassionate I do not seek permission.

B.C.: Rich I agree with you, the difference is that most liberals don't understand how much more and better this world would be with less government.

Me: Missing the point. If part of compassion means giving of one's personal wealth, government has a prior claim on your wealth to spend as it sees fit. You don't get to choose your recipient. Used to be, choice was a good thing amongst the left...

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