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Friday, July 12, 2024

Dumb anti-Christian memes - "I’ve checked everywhere and I cannot find the following anywhere in the Bible..."

Posted by a Faceborg friend. Our comments in bold.

Whenever leftists start talking Christianity one can be sure they won't get anything right. Their Bible incompetence is exceeded only by their arrogance. 

Here we have a meme that dumps in just about every false assumption, stereotype, and mischaracterization of Christians. Not a single thing here is an accurate or even reasonable characterization of any Christian anywhere.

And although the meme is supposedly going to set us straight on what the Bible says, there isn't a single Bible verse, Bible reference, or even a biblical concept in the entire meme.

Christians. I’ve checked everywhere and I cannot find the following anywhere in the Bible:

Cast out the poor from you for their woes are not your responsibility. Ship them someplace else if you need to or if all else fails wall them out. (Leftists routinely substitute their compassion for government programs. So if someone doesn't support a government poverty program it means they hate the poor.

Then there's the border wall and the deportation of people who are here illegally. Apparently it is unchristian for government to have immigration and residency requirements.)


Choose first your people but even among them help only those you feel truly deserve it. (We have no idea what this means.)

Not there.

Raise your eyes to the economy. Let it guide your heart and all your decisions and especially how you vote. (Is the economy important to people or not? Shouldn't Christians not vote for people whose economic plan they like? 

This truly makes no sense.)
Couldn’t find it.

Use my name to tell others they missed out on being fearfully and wonderfully made and have no part in my kingdom for Jesus is on the side of only a chosen few. (No Christian has ever told anyone they are not fearfully and wonderfully made. 

However, Jesus Himself said there are those who have no part in His Kingdom and that He is on one side and opposed to the other. It's simple Bible ignorance to claim otherwise.)

Not in any translation.

Be steadfast in loving your country above all else (Leftists hate patriotism.) and protect all things that you feel are yours by holding them tight. (Why is it bad to safeguard your stuff?) 

Again, not there. 

America is the best and is God’s favorite. (Leftists hate patriotism.) (Gosh it’s weird America is no where in the Bible at all…and to wrap the Bible up in love of the USA is the very definition of taking the Lord’s name in vain full stop).

Worry not if you have more opportunities than others (Why should someone worry about having more opportunities? This makes no sense. Leftists are all about the "unfairness" of things that are unequally distributed. Even if opportunities could be spread out, the mechanism to accomplish this would necessarily be oppressive.)

for this just means you are my favorites and there is no need to change the world so things are more equal. Just enjoy and try and get more stuff! (Leftists hate people enjoying their lives.)

A big nope.

Seeing these things are not in the Bible and noticing that most of the Bible says the exact opposite of this we may need to adjust accordingly. (A Bible left unquoted.)

I’m afraid people are really misunderstanding Jesus when we Christians act like we are following Him but really we are following our own selves. (This is often quite often true.)

Sooooo…remember, as we said in youth group growing up, you might be the only Bible someone reads. What are we doing that shows others that we believe God is love and Jesus wants us to love each other?
Not saying, showing. That’s the question.


{This one feels timely again my friends, my heart hurts at the ways Gods word can be used for personal gain.}

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