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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Don’t Believe Trump When He Claims He’s Not Racist - by CLARENCE LUSANE

Found here. Our comments in bold.

The actual title of this article should be, "Don't believe anyone who claims they are not racist." The Left purposely creates a sisyphean no-win situation when they accuse someone of racism. Any denial of the charge is proof of racism. Every person is by default a racist. 

Thus the Left sets the terms, they are the police, judge, jury, and prosecutor. The verdict is always guilty. 

Trump does not deserve a single Black or Hispanic vote. Nada. None.

Former president Donald Trump often finds himself on the defensive against accusations of racism. (Everyone is always on the defensive regarding accusations of racism. That is how the Left intends it to be.)

He regularly denies the charges, (Denial is proof of guilt.)

distorting his record (Irony Alert.)

and resorting to his “Black friends” defense, (Any evidence that one is not racist is summarily dismissed.)

while attempting to throw the allegations back at liberals. (Liberals bristle at being treated they way they treat others.)

However, he never explains why he is the favorite son of the one group in society about whose racial bigotry there can be no debate: avowed racists. (That is, Trump is guilty based on those who happen to support him. Trump has no control or involvement with them, but that doesn't matter.)

Since Trump emerged as a public political figure, they have been resolute in their loyalty to him. (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Are Trump’s African American allies like Senator Tim Scott or Representative Byron Donalds, or Latino ones like Senator Marco Rubio, truly ignorant of his unapologetically racist champions? (Why should it matter to them? Unlike the Left, people of color on the Right are not obsessed with race.)

Or is their blind ambition to share a ticket with him (or be close to power) simply more important to them? (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

In 2016, when Donald Trump first ran for president, just about every self-declared white nationalist, white supremacist, Klansman, neo-Nazi, and fascist in the country supported his candidacy. And that’s no exaggeration. (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...) 

One of the longest-running white nationalist journals in the United States, American Renaissance, is edited by notorious racist Jared Taylor.  (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

In January 2016, during the primary race in Iowa, he circulated a robocall that stated, “I urge you to vote for Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who points out that we should accept immigrants who are good for America. We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, well-educated White people who will assimilate to our culture. Vote Trump.”  (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Trump was also cheered on by the Ku Klux Klan’s official newspaper, The Crusader, which calls itself the “Political Voice of White Christian America.”  (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Though it said that it wasn’t necessarily endorsing Trump, its urge to ally with him was all too clear. Under the front-page headline banner “Make America Great Again,” Pastor Thomas Robb wrote, “While Trump wants to make America great again, we have to ask ourselves, ‘What made America great in the first place?’ The short answer to that is simple. America was great not because of what our forefathers did—but because of who our forefathers were.… America was founded as a White Christian Republic. And as a White Christian Republic it became great.”  (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

And then there was the David Duke crisis. On February 24, 2016, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Duke stated to his white radio audience, “Voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage.”  (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

When Trump was later asked on CNN about his support from the then-most-famous racist in the nation, his reply was, “Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. OK? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know.” Not exactly an unequivocal denunciation. (With the Left it's never enough.)

And not true in the least. Trump, who claims the best brain and greatest memory on earth, suddenly got amnesia when it came to the way he had spoken out against Duke in 1991 when that figure ran for governor of Louisiana, and, in 2000, when Trump rejected affiliation with the Reform Party in part because of its links to Duke. At the time, he called Duke a “bigot” and a “racist.” (Catch this? The author thinks that because Trump denounced Duke more than 30 years ago it means Trump's claim to not know anything about Duke is a lie. On this flimsy gotcha the author bases his entire case that Trump is a racist. 

Trump has already denounced David Duke. The relevant part of this is he's already on record, so why would he be required to again jump through the hoops?

It's only the Left that requires repeated affirmations of sufficient enthusiasm, but even then that doesn't suffice. Nothing satisfies the race-baiters.)

Trump conveniently forgot that past history of his during that CNN interview, as he clearly calculated the nature of his base and where it overlapped with Duke’s. (The inference and speculation about Trump is regarded as definitive.)

After blaming a faulty earpiece (which, curiously enough, seemed to work fine for the rest of the interview) and evidently fearing swift blowback, Trump rejected Duke’s support the next day. (So Trump has been absolutely consistent in his denial of Duke. But f course that's just not good enough for the author.)

Duke, however, was undeterred and continued to back him in an enthusiastic fashion. (Which has nothing to do with Trump himself. Apparently the author needs something, anything, that suggests that Trump is a racist.)

After the election, he even tweeted, “Make no mistake about it, our people played a HUGE role in electing Trump!” (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Other racists celebrated as well. At a gathering in Washington, DC, Richard Spencer, leader of the white supremacist alt-right movement, declared: “Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!” (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

He was speaking to a crowd of nearly 200, many of whom responded with Nazi salutes. You won’t be surprised to know that they expressed no confusion about what Trump represented. (At some point we will require the author to tell us what Trump represents.)

“Stand Back and Stand By”

In August 2017, within months of being in office, the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, produced a clear opportunity for Trump to denounce racists, Neo-Nazis, and Klansmen who marched to the chants of “White lives matter“ and “Jews will not replace us.” Instead, unlike nearly every other elected official on the national scene, Democrat or Republican, he flubbed his response. After a press conference or two, where he equivocated and went off-script to wax admiringly about “very fine people on both sides,” he ultimately denounced the far-right racists. (The Left never tires of their false narratives. This particular trope has been repeatedly and thoroughly refuted, but like Dracula it just won't die. Even Snopes has debunked this.)

However, he pointedly agreed with their demand that generated the march in the first place—their objection to the removal of the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from a city park. (Yes, indeed. Trump opposes the memory-holing of history.)

Trump has decried the dismantling of Lee statues on a number of occasions, including in Charlottesville, where he called it “sad” and “so foolish.” (Indeed it was. Wiping out history to suit someone's political sensibilities is wrong and anti-intellectual.)

In 2020, after four years in office, he arguably received even stronger and more violent support from his far-right and white nationalist backers. Those years included his anti-(non-white-)immigrant fight to “build the wall” on the US-Mexican border, (Controlling immigration, a constitutionally authorized duty, is racist...)

his rejection of immigrants from the “shithole countries” of the Global South, (An accurate assessment of these corrupt and evil governments.)

the aspersions he cast on Black-dominated cities, (Actually, Democrat-run shitholes...)

and his endless racist statements about Black athletes, elected officials, women, and protesters. (The author supplies links behind paywalls, and can't be bothered to actually quote Trump or explain what might be racist.

The newsone link is an opinion piece that has Trump disagreeing with Alcindor. Disagreeing is racist.

Criticizing BLM is also racist...)

Then, of course, during the 2020 election campaign, far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters, the Boogaloo Boys, and others—many with openly racist members in their ranks—rallied around Trump and became his frontline soldiers after he lost. (The author just can't seem to find anything racist about Trump, so he regurgitates the supposed racists who support him.)

He famously told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by,” but not to stand down. (Trump, finishing the sentence: "I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem.” He's right.)

They showed up at most “Stop the Steal” events and were front and center during the January 6 insurrection(So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

where Black police officers reported being called the “n-word.” (Cops never lie.)

Trump now refers to that same crew as “warriors” and “patriots,” ignoring the Confederate flags, antisemitic symbols, racial slurs, and nooses that were ubiquitous that day. (This is growing tiring. Does the author have any evidence at all that Trump is racist? Any?)

In 2020, some in the racist community were smarter in signaling their support for Trump without formally endorsing him. (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

David Duke, however, once again unabashedly came out for him, while suggesting that disgraced media propagandist and ex–Fox News host Tucker Carlson (Carlson is disgraced? What?)

be added to the ticket as his vice-presidential choice. (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Carlson seemed like a particularly sensible possibility to Duke because, even while at Fox, he had been a proponent of the “white replacement theory,” the argument that undocumented (and even documented) immigrants of color are part of a larger conspiracy by unidentified liberals and Democrats to supplant white Americans and white American culture with something distinctly (and all too literally) darker and more disturbing. Of course, Trump subscribed to that thesis as well. (Actually, "replacement theory" is quite simple. Increase the number of Democrat voters.)

The “Anti-White-Feeling” Former President

In 2024, there is little doubt whom the nation’s racists will once again be backing for president. (So the author doesn't really want to talk about Trump...)

Only recently, Trump spewed lies and misrepresentations at a—yes!—white-dominated gathering in an obscure Black church in Detroit, while denouncing that city as “hell” and “totally corrupt,” and describing black communities as dangerous and depressed. (Trump is correct yet again. Democrats have destroyed cities like Detroit. Blacks are largely the victims. So who is really racist, Trump, or the Democrats who destroyed black neighborhoods?)

He did not, however, repeat for that crowd and representatives of the national media present that day his pledge to address so-called anti-white racism or to make it a priority should he become president again. As he said in a Time magazine interview, “If you look right now, there’s absolutely a bias against white [people] and that’s a problem.” He offered no examples of that “problem,” but it fit in squarely with the belief of 58 percent of his supporters that “racial minorities” are favored over whites in the United States. (The author is denying that there's a bias against white people? How about a Disney exec? A game designer? S &P companies? Biden himself?)

Trump also claims that he is a victim of anti-white racism from “radical vicious, racist prosecutors” in Georgia, New York, and Washington, DC. They are going after him, he insists, simply because he’s a white man and not because he committed any actual crimes. (Does the author have any facts to refute this?)

Trump will undoubtedly continue to claim again and again, all too disingenuously, that “I don’t have a racist bone in my body,” but the folks who unabashedly support him to the hilt certainly think otherwise. (The author just can't seem to find anything racist about Trump, so he regurgitates the supposed racists who support him.)

The Trump campaign faces the awkward and inconvenient truth that he has never lost the full-scale support of the nation’s most hardcore racists. (The author just can't seem to find anything racist about Trump, so he regurgitates the supposed racists who support him.)

And no wonder! No matter how often he pretends to be free of bigotry, his racist worldview manifests itself at every turn. In his recent “debate” with President Joe Biden, Trump made his usual hateful statements against immigrants (of color) ([Of color...] Inserts false editorial comment.)

and added that they are “taking black jobs now and it could be 18. It could be 19 and even 20 million people. They’re taking black jobs and they’re taking Hispanic jobs and you haven’t seen it yet, but you’re going to see something that’s going to be the worst in our history.” 

By “black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs,” of course, he was referring to his belief that only certain kinds of work define those communities. It should be taken for granted that he wasn’t referring to engineers, lawyers, office managers, professors, veterinarians, or any positions of a professional or middle-class nature. He sees Black Americans and Latinos as nothing but the lowest-paid, lowest-status workers in America. (This is exactly what the Left thinks about blacks and immigrants! Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, The Washington Post, and Biden himself. All Left.

We are growing weary of the endless non-sequiturs and guilt-by-association employed by the author. Will have ever demonstrate that Trump is racist?)

In fact, Trump never has anything genuinely positive to say about the Black community, which he sees—just to start down a list—as crime-ridden, dirty, and rodent-infested. (No, that would be Democrat-controlled cities.)

Nor does he ever identify any of the groups or individuals in such communities who are working on solutions to the issues they face. That doesn’t fit the view of the former president and many of his followers that communities of color are linked only to dysfunction, decay, and (implicitly) inferiority.

Naturally, Trump was wrong on all counts. First, there is no evidence (and, of course, Trump didn’t present any) that immigrants are taking jobs from Black and Latino Americans. As The Washington Post noted, “The Black unemployment rate remains near historic lows and wage gains are at all-time highs.” In fact, the lowest Black employment on record occurred under President Biden when, in April 2023, it fell to 4.8 percent.

In addition, unlike Trump’s implication that Black people only occupy low-level manual labor jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, almost half of all African Americans work in professional, management, or office jobs. That would undoubtedly be a revelation to Trump, since in the dozens of businesses he’s started, very few Blacks and Latinos are ever found in high-level or professional positions.

Rather than let Trump get away with his endless series of canards on race in America, interviewers should ask him some pointed questions that are simply never asked in Trump-friendly or Trump-fearful media venues. Three come to mind: Why do you continue to receive such wholehearted support from avowed racists? What is the “anti-white racism” (or “anti-white feeling“) that you so often talk about and why do you consider it more of an issue than racial discrimination against communities of color? Why should Black voters in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, among other places, vote for someone who spent weeks after the 2020 election desperately attempting to disqualify their votes?

Trump does not deserve a single Black or Hispanic vote. Nada. None. His ongoing gaslighting about his record and his appeal to extremists and racists should doom him to the lowest Black and Hispanic vote support in the last 100 years in election 2024.

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