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Friday, September 8, 2023

Why They Love Donald Trump -By Bob Passi

Found here. Our comments in bold.

One can be sure that if a leftist is going to explain something, it will not be accurate, it will not clarify, and it will not be intended to impart information.

That's because leftists like the author are only interested in The Narrative, that is, the talking points and bumper sticker slogans promulgated by Central Command. The Narrative is circulated throughout the media landscape every day, and writers, commentators, and news operations dutifully regurgitate it.

So the author pretends to be a truth teller, but he's simply doing his duty to repeat The Narrative, spouting agitprop in service to The Agenda. The Agenda is the dismantling of the system. The system, being racist, unfair, and hurtful to the worker and minorities, must be replaced. 

But in actual fact, none of these issues are actually important to the Left. They are simply excuses for advancing the leftist dream. So, nothing you will read below will be true, accurate, logical, or helpful. 

This article is The Narrative, which facilitates The Agenda. The reader should keep this in mind at all times.

The other day I saw some figures from a poll pitting Biden against Trump in the 2024 presidential election. It was an even race. In spite of all of the positive accomplishments of Biden during his term (Positives? Perhaps the author could name some of them, because we cannot think of a single thing President Biden has done except embarrass the country in the world community, wander off or sleep at events, facilitate inflation, and vacation 384 days in his first 2 1/2 years. Oh, and there's the matter of getting the Ukrainian attorney general fired by threatening to withhold a billion dollars of foreign aid. And we shouldn't forget the 10% to the big man.

These are the positives of the Biden crime family.)

and all of the negatives emanating from Trump during, and especially after, his term as president, (Most of the negatives are emanating from the Trump haters, who are fixated on doing whatever it takes to take Trump out.)

not to mention the seemingly outrageous recent rulings ("Seemingly?" Are they outrageous or not? And why or why not? The author is throwing around loose charges and vague references as a way to pad the list of outrages.)

of his packed Supreme Court, (The Supreme court is 100% comprised of duly appointed justices. 

Here we have an example of Mountain Man's Law, anything a leftist accuses his opponents of doing is being done by the Left. It's the Left who constantly talks about wanting to expand the number of justices. It's the Left who has done everything in its power to negate Thomas, neuter Kavanagh, and make sure Coney Barrett toes the line. The Left wants to expand and modify the Supreme court to facilitate The Agenda.)

the poll had them running even head-to-head. Now, I know that much can happen in the intervening months, but this result is quite astonishing to me. (It astonishes the author that a failing, confused President is unpopular and an energetic, successful former president is attracting big support? He must really believe the leftist agitprop.)

I began to think of how so much of a supposedly democratic nation could have arrived here. (Actually, he began to assemble recycled leftist talking points, bumper sticker slogans, and half-remembered history.)

This is my conclusion. (We are certain it will not be a correct one.)

First, I must go back to our human history of leaders developing stories (narratives) to support their leadership and convince people to believe in them and in their vision. If that narrative speaks to something within the populace and is accepted by the citizens, they take it into their hearts, and it becomes their internal story. It casts a spell. The people become mesmerized by the story and take it as their own guiding principle. They gladly give up their individuality for that leader and his/her narrative/spell. (Irony alert.)

Within our society we have refined that kind of manipulation to a fine art. (He gives due credit for the effectiveness of the leftist narrative.)

We are bombarded with advertising, with propaganda, with 24/7 information about how to think and interpret the world, piped into our ears and showing up on our many screens. (Again an accurate assessment of the state of the leftist takeover of media.)

Donald Trump was a creation of that system, (No, he's been a public figure since the 80s, using that image as a tool to obtain a TV show.)

a media persona from TV and who was involved in all kinds of controversy that kept him in the news. (Again the author celebrates the effectiveness of the media propaganda machine.)

 And like those who follow soap opera or love following sensational stories like the OJ Simpson trials and Princess Di, those characters become an intimate part of their lives. There is an excitement about what will happen next that is almost addictive. (Irony alert. Did the author notice he was writing an article about his fixation with Trump?)

And he had a message!

This is his message.

"Watch me!!! I do not follow any of the norms, rules or even laws and I am wildly successful. Don't listen to what they tell you about how to live your life. Stand up and be proud of what you believe in. That is what made America great, and it can again if we simply stand up. (The author actually gets this kind of correct. 

Now come the tried-and-true talking points...)

Of course, other races are a problem, other religions are a problem, other lifestyles are a problem. They are un-American and the good people know and understand that. (Race, religion, gay and transgender, like clockwork. Too bad he missed foreigners and the poor.)

And if they stop us, we will rebel, violently if need be. (Irony alert. Summer of 2020, when it was the leftists who actually did violently protest, attempt to break into government buildings, and burned down whole city blocks. But it's conservatives who are the problem. Unfortunately for the author, at J6 no one was armed, no one died [except for one unfortunate unarmed lady who was shot dead by law enforcement], and no one fomented insurrection.)

And, if that does not work, we will stop them in other ways, we will be obstructionists to thwart their every attempt to rule. (Irony alert.)

The system of those who have been in charge of this nation, (The swamp.)

was formed under the wrong mindset (?? Odd statement.)

and they have corrupted the nation. (True story.)

We are all that is holding the true America together." (Also true. While the Left diligently attempts to dismantle America [because of systemic racism, inequity, and economic injustice], conservatives are trying desperately 9and failing] to conserve the founding principles of this great nation.)

That is his story and the spell it casts, especially over those who feel dispossessed. (The Left thrives on encouraging discontent. That is, causing the Proletariat to rise up against the Bourgeois.)


As with all effective spells, this spell requires no deep thought, and it justifies and allows people to indulge in their personal phantasies and prejudices. (Irony alert. Hate the rich. Free healthcare. Women can be men. Everybody deserves equal wealth. "Phantasies" are certainly what the Left is built upon.)

This is so far past logic and reason that it is nearly untouchable. (Irony alert.)

Law and legal action will not shake it. (Irony alert.)

The question is, "How do we break that spell?" (Translated: "How can the Left best deplatform, silence, and break their political opposition?")

That will require a more compelling story, (Too bad his answer isn't to tell the truth. "Compelling story" means to repeat worn-out talking points more loudly.)

a story that speaks to those who feel like they have been left out. (Having previously impugned his political enemies as "dispossessed," the author now appeals to a different group, those who "have been left out." The irony is getting richer.)

That story must start from the premise of the importance of all citizens. (The Left has never considered citizens important. Citizenship for them is an impediment. And of course, if the citizen is a conservative, well, those citizens should not be citizens.)

It cannot start from an economic premise, or a legal premise, or even a philosophical premise, it must speak to their circumstances. It must find the real connections people have. It must give a convincing reason to work together for some commonly desirable end, a better alternative. (The Left thrives on encouraging discontent. That is, causing the Proletariat to rise up against the Bourgeois.)

It cannot be about blame. (Irony alert. Did the author forget about Trump?)

It cannot be about demonizing. ("Racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, hater, extremist, classist." Any of those invectives sound familiar, Mr. Passi?)

It must be about democracy, (Um, if Trump is polling higher than Biden, wouldn't that be democracy?)

the kind with a small "d", that values all citizens and gives both a voice and responsibility to each citizen to participate in the future and direction of the nation. It requires humility, and courage, and cooperation, and kindness, and sharing. (We think that the author got to this point and could barely contain his laughter at what he was writing. Nothing in this list is even on the radar of Leftists. There isn't a single example of Leftists being kind to or cooperating with anyone who doesn't already agree with them. No Leftist has ever done anything other than demonize. 

Wow, what a load of B.S.)

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