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Friday, May 5, 2017

Pre-existing conditions with new Republican plan - FB Conversation

Liberal FB friend Scott is complaining about the Republican's new healthcare plan:

Scott: Well, the AHCA that just passed the House lets the states decide to let insurers to charge a "pre-existing conditions surcharge"

As a cancer patient, that could potentially cost me as much as $140,000/year.

Me: If you're insured now, your condition is existing, not pre-existing.

"The MacArthur amendment keeps Obamacare's guaranteed access clause, which requires insurers to provide policies to those with pre-existing conditions."

What GOP health care bill really says about pre-existing conditions

Kathy: Available, but not affordable, which is what Scott said. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2017/04/27/new-amendment-to-gop-health-bill-effectively-allows-full-elimination-of-community-rating-exposing-sick-to-higher-premiums/

Me: It's not affordable now. What in the world are you talking about?

Kathy: You are right - but you know that what I meant is a matter of degree. And I presume that you are okay with people having to pay a whole lot more just because they're sick.

Me: People pay more because they're old. People pay more because they smoke. Why might that be?

Kathy: Where does it stop? We should charge meat eaters more too, then. You are using a pinpoint focus, when the big issue is that people get sick, and they shouldn't be penalized for that. There are PLENTY of sick children in the world, and you'd apparently like to hold them (and their parents) accountable for their moral failings.

Me: I think you're missing my point. There are categories within Obamacare where people get charged more than others. I'm asking you why.

Kathy: Everything points to the need for a national health insurance program. You can't justify making things worse by pointing out the flaws in what exists. Even ardent supporters of the ACA acknowledge the need for improvements.

Me: Everything does not point to the need for a national health insurance program. Everything points to getting government out of health insurance.

Scott's post started out by pointing out flaws in the new legislation. Now you are saying that I can't point out things, but Scott can?

"Ardent supporters" refused to tolerate any dissent, criticism, or modification of ACA. I don't know where you get your information.

I notice that you still haven't answered my question. Do you think old people and smokers should be charged the same for their health coverage? Why or why not?

Kathy: What I think is that there should be a national health insurance program. It's barbaric to deny people medical coverage when they can't afford to pay, or to force people into poverty because they're sick.

Me: Shall I repost my previous comment, or will you address it?

Kathy: That did address it. I've addressed it several times. Where do we stop with the "lifestyle choices" charges? Are old people supposed to forego medical coverage because their premiums are too high? What about children who have pre-existing conditions? You are nitpicking when a more general discussion is required, especially in light of the trillion dollar tax break the new law gives to the wealthiest.

Me: Forgive me for persisting, but I need clarification. I'm asking a direct question. In your perfect world, should everyone, no matter their situation, lifestyle choices, occupation, or age, pay exactly the same amount for health coverage?

Kathy: I am willing to pay for a national health insurance system through taxation. That should give you all the clarification you need.

Me: Ok, so you don't want to answer. I understand. Exiting...

Kathy: Yeah, I know - "winning" is what it's all about.

Me: It's ok. Some people fear questions. Don't worry about it.

Kathy: I'm not worried. I've come to expect games-playing rather than meaningful dialogue.

Me: Yes, and instead of answers, that's exactly what I got, game-playing. I wish you and I could have a conversation, but it can only happen when you are willing to actually discuss things with people who potentially disagree with you.

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