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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

FB conversation about abortion

A friend posted this on FB, and a "conversation" ensued:

Sarah G: Anyone who wants to outlaw abortion is not taking the mother's life and welfare into account. Plain and simple, if you want to control this aspect of another person's life you are denying them human rights.

Me: There is no human right to murder a human.

Sarah G: There is a human right to deny pregnancy, parenthood, and childbirth. You cannot control other people's futures in that way. Take away abortion, you take away rights from women, not to be controlled by a patriarchy notorious for restraining them through parenthood. Some people want children. Other people do not. It's not your choice, or your problem. You don't have a uterus. Nobody is going to knock you up and leave you to care for the result by yourself. And if they did, you'd have a choice to make. Automatically choosing one option is up to you, however you do not, nor does anybody else has the right to control other people's lives. Like it or not, that's the reality of it. If you think abortion is murder, then I'd like to alert you that your privilege is showing.

Me: If you could slow down on the bumper sticker slogans, it would help our dialog.

Sarah G: Speak for yourself.

Me: I will do so indeed. Are you interested in dialog, or talking points?

Me: Talking points it is. Here's a handy website for you to select a slogan: http://www.protectchoice.org/article.php?id=193

Nyk Z: The thing is, Rich, no matter what your opinion of abortion is, you are not a woman and it's arrogant to think that you have the right to even have an opinion on what she can or can't do with a fetus that is inside of HER body. Sure, it has POTENTIAL to become a human being, just like a seed in the ground has potential to become a tree, but it's not viable on its own. I know that you are dead set in your views and will never consider this from a woman's point of view because of your judgment, but the fact is....you will never have to make that choice. If men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be as ubiquitous as Starbucks.

Nyk Z: Abortion is an act of love. To bring another human into this world is a very serious commitment and women should absolutely have the choice whether they want to endure that or not. If, for whatever reason, a woman is not ready to bear a child, it's nobody's business but her own.

Nyk Z: Rich, why don't you intelligently respond to what Sarah said, rather than accusing her of using "bumper sticker slogans"? She is making a very valid point.

Me: Ms. Z, you are not in a position to tell me what I can or can't have an opinion about. You are not a man, you can't possibly know what it's like. And, you don't know anything about my judgments or arrogance or whether or not I'm dead set in my views. They are empty accusations anyway, since you and everyone else in the world are also dead set in their views.

I would certainly respond to Ms. G, but I made a valid point before she did, to which she needs to respond.

You seem to be making a property rights defense regarding women and their bodies. Unfortunately, there is no absolute right to dictate one's property. Just like a landlord who rents to a tenant, a pregnant woman has ceded certain property rights. A person cannot sell their organs. A motorcyclist must wear a helmet. Marijuana use is still strictly regulated in many places. It is clear the the use of one's body is regulated and limited.

Maybe you have another "intelligent" point?

Sarah G: My body is not an object. My body is not for rent. My body, my life, my choice to become a parent or to refuse to become a parent, not someone who disagrees upon that fact based on moral standings. You insulted me, showing that you are not only incapable of having an intelligent discussion on this topic, but also a refusal to hear any arguments for the opposing side. You're frankly, too arrogant and stupid to debate with, so why waste my time? You're just going to spout a bunch of crap, so why don't you go find yourself a toilet to throw your demeaning and outdated ideas into. This is not an issue about morality. This is an issue surrounding control of women's lives through parenthood. If you gave a damn about the welfare and history of women on the earth, you might understand why an abortion can be a better option, than dealing with the repercussions of pregnancy and parenthood. Pregnancy is not a punishment for sex. This isn't the 1800's anymore and we're not going back to the way it was. I'm unsubscribing to this post because you make me sick, strutting around like you know better than I do about the law and morality and just being a general jackass. Kindly, GFY.

Me: Didn't take long for the name calling. Typical leftist.


  1. They should watch Ray Comfort's new movie called "180."

    I love to watch the hamster spring into turbocharger mode when their narrative is shown to be almost indistinguishable from the rationalizations of Nazi Germany.

  2. Did you notice how insulting she was in her first response, then stomped off when I responded in kind?

    Did you also notice that she asserted it wasn't about morality, but I didn't mention morality?
