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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Abuse from Saeed Abedini apparently Continues- by Chad Estes

Found here. Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.

I am totally flabbergasted. This "Christian" writer seems to feel free to write the most vile, hateful things about people with impunity.

I don't wish to take sides in this marital struggle, but I will comment on Mr. Estes' moral certainty about the situation.

I really hoped and prayed that I had shared enough of this story. Apparently not. (Having read some of his other posts on this topic, I'm thinking that I agree with him. He's "shared" enough of this story, if sharing means taking sides in a disintegrating marriage.)

The last time Saeed Abedini made a statement about being home and his broken relationships with Naghmeh Abedini it was to the Idaho Statesman.
“It is not my intention to speak further publicly—through social media or any other channels—at least until I believe we have made significant progress in private. I thank you for your understanding and support.”
Unfortunately he couldn’t abide by his own request nor fulfill his own promise. (Note that Mr. Estes apparently knows whether or not the pastor has or has not made "significant progress." Somehow he is privy to the most intimate details of the Pastor's marriage, thus he knows they have not made significant progress. 

Amazingly, from very sparse information he deems Pastor Abedini as a promise breaker. Mr. Estes seems to believe that breaking a promise is the most serious of sins. So he's outraged at Pastor Abedini.)

Yesterday on his Facebook page he posted the following,
“I am grateful for marriage counselors who have been helping me but my wife’s relationship with me is not good at this point, so we need prayer that she joins this counseling process with us.”
(Taking this at face value, it seems clear that Mrs. Abedini does not want counseling. The pastor therefore asks for prayer. This is unacceptable to Mr. Estes.)

Those who accused Naghmeh of dragging her and Saeed’s private matters into public view have now actually seen her husband do this very thing. (It seems to me that Mrs. Abedini was the first to go public with accusations of abuse.)

It sickens me that he has shamed his wife because she is not yet ready to join together with him in marriage counseling. I think he may have just proved why she is hesitant. This kind of humiliation and public shaming is nothing more than ABUSE! (Whoa, slow down. Let me get this straight. Accusing one's husband of abuse while he's being held in prison for his faith is not abuse, but the husband asking for prayer is abuse. And it sickens Mr Estes?

Further, Mr. Estes accepts that Pastor Abedini is telling the truth about Mrs. Abedini's reluctance, but nevertheless doubts the pastor's motives and every other claim he makes. This kind of cherry picking and micro analysis of a simple sentence is astounding hubris.)

Until he gets this – until he stops trying to manipulate her – she is totally right to protect and distance herself from him. (It is clear that Mr. Estes completely believes Mrs. Abedini. On what basis is anyone's guess. Indeed, how does he know that she isn't lying? Why does he assume she is the virtuous party? Why does he choose to magnify even the most innocuous statement by Pastor Abedini as a horrific sin?)

Unfortunately it may cost her her standing in her church and respect in the eyes of her religious community. (Does the fact that she accused a man of horrendous sin without his ability to answer the charges cost her any standing or respect?)

It also may be what saves her life, her sanity, and her dignity. I think God cares about these things, even more than he does about trying to keep a broken marriage together. (Not content to simply take sides, Mr. Estes now presumes to suggest that God is doing the same thing.)

I am disgusted that this Christian pastor is using his social media platform (that was built on his prisoner status) to disguise his emotional and positional abuse against his wife as a request for ‘prayer.’ (How does Mr. Estes know that she is abused? Simply because she makes the accusation?

Also, notice the hyperbolic rhetoric. Mr. Estes uses words like "sickens" and "disgusts." Somehow, he not only knows that Mrs. Abedini is completely spotless, but that everything Pastor Abedini does and says is proof of his guilt. And he, from his lofty perch, is able to describe his offense with the most exaggerated language.)

Dear God I am praying this woman holds her ground. (His prayer is for her alone, not Pastor Abedini. He's rooting for her. He hopes their marriage fails. He doesn't want her to get counseling. He wants to make sure the pastor never sees his kids again.

How else are we to interpret his remarks?)

1 comment:

  1. 10 minutes perusing Este's blog make the following clear:

    - He flunks some very basic remedial exercises in moral discernment.

    - He does not hold a particularly high view of scripture when it conflicts with his cultural sensibilities; this is particularly true of his rush to praise all things feminine at something approaching veneration.

    - He has a fetish with breasts (one could argue that most men do) but presents his as "noble" under the guise of performing a valuable public service to raise awareness about body acceptance / consciousness and society's misguided notions of beauty.

    - he is what the manosphere would call a "white knight" that is shamelessly chasing "The Lift"; a less charitable term would be "mangina"; I would recommend a solid diet of Dalrock's blog thrice daily until the blue discolorations begin to turn red, but I think we are well beyond the point where immersion therapy would be beneficial. He is too heavily invested in perpetuating a solid blue hue to everything his hand finds to do.
