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Monday, August 3, 2015

Letter writer wrongly maligned Planned Parenthood - By Eveline Damiano

Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.

First, the letter Ms. Damiano is responding to: 

A recurring theme in old westerns is that dead men don’t talk. They don’t point an accusing finger at their assassin or assassins. They don’t share the pain nor the agony of their deaths: the shooting, hanging, torture or dismemberment. Back then their families were left wondering about the fate of loved ones and poor Sheriff Matt Dillon lacked technology that would help to piece together clues of the crime. I suspect abortion proponent Democrats would love to go back to those days.

In those days there were no ultrasound videos showing an unborn child sucking its thumb moments prior to the doctors’ suction tube ripping the thumb from the hand, the hand from the arm and the arm from the torso. Way back when, the Democrats and Planned Parenthood told us that the child was a mass of tissue.

Back then there were no uncomfortable tapes showing taxpayer-funded, Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the price at which they could deliver a plethora of baby parts: livers, hearts, lungs, etc. There were no specimen jars holding evidence of Dr. Gosnell’s murdered babies, remnants of their full term, post-birth infanticide.

There was, certainly, no official, government website of the now suddenly silent Sen. Tester as he courted Planned Parenthood’s abortion-loving constituents while he smugly proclaimed his support of abortion, each and every day. Oh yes, senator, murder and torture sponsored by your progressive, inclusive, tolerant, Democratic party. Stop taking our money to fund your holocaust!

Darn the technology. Burn the tapes. Hide the truth. Prosecute the messenger. Long live Democrats, freed from the womb. Just don’t talk.

Dennis Tilton------------------------------------------

And now Ms. Damiano's response:

Regarding an opinion letter on abortion printed in the paper of July 30:

Dear sir, I challenge you to visit a Planned Parenthood Clinic and discover the truth of what these clinics not only offer women, but also men in regards to reproductive healthcare. I can assure you women do not seek abortions as some nonchalant act. (An assertion Mr. Tilton never made.)

From your letter, I can assume you have seen the heavily edited videos made by a fake medical group of a bogus sting involving Planned Parenthood officials and probably those gross signs (usually held by men), depicting all abortions as late term. Not so, sir. (First technique: Change the subject. Second technique: summarily dismiss the evidence. Third technique: Impugn her interlocutor.)

In addition, Planned Parenthood offers compassionate support and advice to their patients. It also offers birth control and cancer screenings. (Third technique: Cheer lead on an unrelated subject. Oh, and let's note that the typical "help" PP is cited as providing, mammograms, is exactly zero.)

Regarding tissue donation for medical research: It was done ethically and within the law regardless of the ultrasound video nonsense you describe. (Finally, Ms. Damiano addresses the topic at hand. However, she offers a second summary dismissal of the videos, glibly informing us of the legality and morality of selling baby parts.)

I also challenge you to speak with a woman who has had to make the heartbreaking choice to have an abortion. (Ms. Damiano unjustifiably assumes that Mr. Tilton is unacquainted with a woman who has had an abortion, and then informs us that it is heartbreaking. But why, Ms. Damiano? It's just a mass of tissue, isn't it? Shouldn't women celebrate the act? Isn't abortion liberating? Why would it be heartbreaking?)

Women are not baby machines, and I ask you not to judge unless you have walked a mile in their shoes. (Mr. Tilton did not assert that women are baby machines. Nor did he offer any judgment against women. In fact, he never mentioned women at all.)

I stand with Planned Parenthood and have for more than 30 years.

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