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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Time is overdue to repeal the Second Amendment - by Tom H. Hastings

Found here. Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.
This is embarrassingly immature writing from a supposed professional. Here's a man who clearly did no research, who gave no thought to presentation or a logical procession of ideas, who seems content to simply engage in verbal diarrhea. He doesn't even get the most basic of concepts right. Read on:

What country fetishizes, lionizes, valorizes, idolizes, and sacralizes guns as much as does our United States? OK, possibly Mozambique — the only country with an AK47 on its flag, but really, it's long past time to end this obsessive "My Precious" attachment of Americans to instruments of death. (Sir, the attachment is with liberty, which is a founding principle of this country. No other country has ever been premised on the idea that government ought to be restrained, limited, and diffuse, and that the liberty resulting from this is ensured for its citizens as their rights are acknowledged as unalienable. Those rights are a check on the power of government. An armed citizenry can defend its rights from oppressive government.)

This morning of Dec. 25, 2014, of the nine top stories from US Reuters, six were about shootings — four new ones and two about the national movement against shootings of citizens by police. This pandemic of sick violence, punctuated by mass killings of children, has gone on far, far too long. It is long past time to repeal the stupid Second Amendment. (Unfortunately for the author, gun deaths are trending downward. This of course means that the sensationalist reporting of the news has skewed perceptions with anecdotal evidence and emotionalized reporting, and thus is not based on fact. Here are the real statistics:

The fate of the Second Amendment should have been sealed when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that past rulings by their predecessors were wrong, (The Left is never troubled by the overturning of precedent when it comes to their issues. However, even here the author is wrong, since the Supreme Court was overturning lower courts and not itself.)

that in fact the amendment that provided for a "well regulated militia" really guaranteed every individual the right to own a gun. Wow. That is an interesting reading of the English language. (Using his warped language to describe the court decision is ironic indeed. The decision was not to interpret the meaning of "well regulated militia." The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted limited to the following question: Whether the following provisions, D.C. Code §§ 7-2502.02(a)(4), 22–4504(a), and 7-2507.02, violate the Second Amendment rights of individuals who are not affiliated with any state-regulated militia, but who wish to keep handguns and other firearms for private use in their homes." 

Legally speaking, the militia consists of "...of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age...", and can be either in the National Guard or separate from it. The People can be called upon to defend the country, even if they're not in the military. The militia, then, is the citizenry, who come when called to serve, with their weapons in hand. They are already armed! )

What the Supremes have done is to not only warp the meaning and make it into twisted law, but to further prohibit states and local governments from declaring their places free of legal guns.  The conservative court once again rules against the power of states, a principle that used to be associated with darn liberals who wanted to make sure everyone had the right to vote, for example, even though they weren't properly white enough. Now when a city or state wants to outlaw firearms, too bad. The conservatives took away their powers and rights in favor of Big Brother. (Indeed, the court has been rather consistent violators of the Tenth Amendment. Ironically, this may be the only instance of states' rights being an issue for the Left.)

The only logical path, given the clearly decided role of the Second Amendment, is to repeal it. American people are tired of mass shootings and police shootings and family feud shootings and sibling shootings and accidental toddler shootings and teen suicide by gun (highly popular).We are exhausted by the proliferation of death, of threats, of bloodshed, and by the NRA/gun industry moral garbage spewing forth every time someone challenges the ubiquity of guns. (And all this has happened despite a plethora of laws already on the books. On what planet does one have to live on to think that more gun restrictions will have any effect?) 

Repeal the Stupid Second Amendment. Surround it, grab it, bring it in the back room, pull down the shades, and end it. OK, petition for it, get it on the ballot, and get it done by enough of the US populace, by enough people in enough states, to get it consigned to the dustbin of history. (And here's the final nail driven into the coffin of stupidity being spouted by the author. The Second Amendment, like all provisions of the Constitution, defines and limits the power of government, the repeal of the Second Amendment will reduce government power. The Constitution will then fall silent on granting any power at all to government to regulate guns.

I can only attribute this level of ignorance to maleducation.)

Tom H. Hastings is PeaceVoice Director and teaches in the Conflict Resolution program at Portland State University in Oregon.

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