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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Letter to the editor: Several questions for a 'pro-Trump' conservative - by Robert Loftis

Found here. Our comments in bold.

This is simply bad writing. Usually there is at least a superficial level of coherence in a typical leftist diatribe, but not today. The letter writer is simply copy and pasting slogans from leftist websites. And these slogans don't even make sense.

Republican senatorial candidate Tim Sheehy’s online ads (but not his on-air ads) describe him as a “pro-Trump conservative.” As such, I have a few questions for Mr. Sheehy. (The letter writer is apparently unacquainted with the idea of calling Sheehy's office and asking his questions.

But in actual fact, the letter writer is not interested in obtaining information. His questions are designed to further The Narrative, which is the daily talking points and slogans promulgated throughout the media landscape.

He uses the obvious and based rhetorical techniques of the Left, with the intent to reframe and obscure the issues he raised. But he's a clumsy propagandist. Most leftists are.)

Does he agree with the following statements and assertions by the former President?

1. That former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, should be executed? (Why should Milley be excused from the consequences of his law-breaking?)

2. That Americans who disagree with him are “vermin” and “scum.” (Let's actually quote Trump: "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections. They’ll do anything, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and to destroy the American Dream. The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous and grave than the threat from within. Our threat is from within.”

Framing is everything for a leftist. Obviously Trump is talking about a very specific group of people, not "Americans who disagree with him.") 

3. That tens of thousands of U.S. election workers are corrupt. (How many are corrupt and how many are not? Does the letter writer have a number? How many corrupt election workers are necessary to corrupt an election? Again, does the letter writer have a number? How many votes were fraudulently cast? Again, Mr. Loftis, do you have a number?)

4. That it is acceptable to sexually assault women if one is sufficiently famous. (Reaching back for an old complaint. This of course is a yet another reframe of Trump's remarks from the mid 1990s. It did not prevent him from being elected the first time, yet the letter writer wants to beat this dead horse again.)

5. That it is the mark of a good businessman to declare bankruptcy six times and to thus cheat hardworking Americans of the money he owes them. (These glib talking points are again reframes of half-remembered history mixed together with leftist slogans. Trump has never asserted this as a mark of good business acumen.)

I could go on, but you get the point. If the answer to any of these is “yes,” I’d love to hear how that squares with true conservatism (We doubt that Mr. Loftis would recognize "true conservatism" if it walked up and punched him in the nose.)

and why we should support anyone who so clearly has such a low opinion of the people he is supposedly serving. (Who is this "we?" Mr. Loftis is free to cast his vote as he chooses. 

Why are leftists unable to let go of old talking points, especially ones that didn't work before? It's because these leftists are simply parroting what they've heard and simply accept what they read on leftist websites. 

This is the truth to them.  Truth is not facts, it is the stuff they regurgitate from propagandists and agitators. No matter how many times they get set straight they wake up the next morning and level the exact same accusations as if nothing happened before.

Most people are not terribly smart, but most leftists are really dumb. In fact, that's what it takes to be a Leftist in America these days.)

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