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Sunday, December 25, 2016

Prayer for the climate deniers

Oh, government, thou art great.

Thou dost preserve us from the evil ones who burn the hellfire of fossil fuels. All your judgments are just. Your mighty acts silence the mockers and the dissenters.

Yea, they deny the truth, the truth that is handed down from on high; therefore they are unrighteous and unlearned, worthy of your wrath.

They warm themselves with petroleum, they drink deeply with plastic straws, they flush the yellow water.

They are evil doers, doubters, and haters. Therefore, awesome government, shut their mouths. By thy great law, silence their heresy. Bring thy judgment against them so that they shall not utter their untruths.

Destroy their citadels of commerce. Bring to ruin their greed. take their land and their crops. Make them barren and futile in their works.

Take their unrighteous wealth from them, and give it to the righteous ones, those who love your dictates. Yea, to those whose footprint is small, whose recycle bins overflow, be kind and benevolent.

To them who shout loudly of your perfection, O be gracious to them.

And we will serve you all the days of our lives, and give generously and joyfully of the fruit of our labors, that you would continually increase and we would decrease.


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