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Monday, October 31, 2016

Donald Trump Losing by a Landslide Would Heal the Nation - by Cody Cain - Time magazine

Found here. My comments in bold.
I've tried to resist writing about Donald Trump, because everyone is doing that. So this article, though about Trump, is posted here for its rich treasure trove of leftist fairy tales.

I almost don't have to comment on each assertion, because it is easy enough to point out how the author is projecting upon the Republicans the very things the Democrats are wont to do. But, I will proceed with my analysis even so.
It would signal that the GOP's scorched-earth political tactics don’t work

When our two-party system of Democrats vs. Republicans is functioning properly, there is much to recommend it. The two opposing political parties strive to offer their best ideas for governing, and the privilege of selecting between the two competing visions is bestowed upon the voters. Indeed, this is a worthy model for making decisions in society.

In recent years, however, something has gone terribly awry.

The Republican Party made the deliberate calculation that its best prospects for success lied not in abiding by the system and offering its superior ideas for governing, but instead in undermining the system by seeking to destroy its opponent. (Projecting. See racist, bigot, homophobe, misogynist in your Handbook of Democratic Talking points.)

A prime example of this assault was the Republican vow to oppose everything and anything proposed by President Obama’s administration. (It's very nearly astounding for the author to assert that the opposition party should not oppose, isn't it? But that's exactly what the opposition SHOULD do is oppose!)

The Republicans specifically intended to impose suffering upon millions of innocent Americans all across the nation by causing gridlock in government. (Oh, the humanity! Those dirty Republicans actually *intended* to cause suffering! It's statements like this that make it hard to take the author seriously. But when one abandons critical thinking skills in favor of glib talking points, well, what basis of analysis do we have? It is irrational to approach irrationality with rationality.)

The idea behind all of this was that a suffering nation would blame President Obama for all the misery and thus elect Republicans. (Has the author ever heard of the Cloward-Priven strategy? These two leftist professors postulated that it would be a good thing to bring chaos to society by disrupting its institutions and causing general havoc, with the express purpose of installing socialism.

The Left, whether directly or by coincidence, has been doing their level best to take Cloward-Piven to heart. They are intently trying to remold society into their preferred worldview, whether it be the destruction of the family, suppressing speech, remaking of the educational system, or demonizing success. They have engaged in a broad, concerted, and purposeful effort to sow the seeds of discontent among the proletariat so that they would rise up against the bourgeois.

It is ironic indeed to suggest, as the author has, that it is the Republicans that are blowing up society when the Left has been doing so incrementally for decades.) 

This deplorable strategy from our political leaders is hardly the sort of conduct that our great democracy was designed to foster.

Another component of the Republican strategy has been to publicly attack President Obama incessantly in the most vile of terms. Many Republicans have abandoned any and all vestiges of dignity, decorum and respect, and hurled attacks at Obama as if he were an invading Mongol from a foreign land intent upon the destruction of nothing less than civilization itself. The abandonment of any semblance of propriety has been utterly astounding. (Yes, of course. It has been nothing but civil tones and reasoned discourse before those eeevil Republicans messed it all up.

I refer you to some examples of the Left's pursuit of "dignity, decorum, and respect:"

The Left has a long and consistent history of egregious characterizations, name-calling and otherwise uncivil approaches towards their political enemies, which continues to present day:

But of course, the author isn't writing to provide a reasoned analysis of the political climate, No, he's here to throw bombs, to denigrate, and to continue the leftist narrative.)

Regardless of one’s political views, Obama has certainly not deserved such appalling treatment. ("Appalling treatment" left unstated and undocumented. And by the way, Obama, like any other public figure, deserves scrutiny, criticism, opposition, and negation.)

Of course, one can disagree with Obama, (No, we can't. ANY disagreement is branded racist and hateful.)

but he is clearly a man of integrity, intelligence and compassion who is genuinely attempting to improve the lives of the people of this nation. (The author writes this as if it all were self-evident. But we don't know this, and we can certainly challenge and document the opposite perceptive. And it isn't outside the bounds of civility to assert that Obama is a flawed and misguided individual whose policies have been disastrous for the nation.)

Honest disagreements could well be made within the bounds of rectitude. (Again, in the environment the Left has created, this isn't possible.)

The Republicans have now turned their scorched-earth tactics against the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton. The Republicans have again abandoned any and all sense of decency to attack Clinton personally as though she were an incarnation of a fire-breathing Lucifer. (Projecting.)

The short-term goal is clear: namely, to win the immediate election. But the Republicans fail to appreciate that their tactics have a devastating long-term effect on society. (Again, projecting.)

As the Republicans create gridlock and play political games to seize power for themselves, their tactics gradually but conclusively erode public confidence in the underlying system of government itself. (The lack of confidence in government is because of government. And it's gotten worse and worse, so people are rightly critical of its overreach, profligate spending, its invasion of sovereign nations, not to mention hundreds and thousands of other issues.)

The relentless political bashing destroys not only the opposing political party, but it backfires and also destroys the attacking political party as well. In fact, it destroys the entire system. So these blistering attacks for short-term gain are extremely irresponsible and downright dangerous. (Projecting.)

All the gridlock and fear-mongering causes the public to grow ever more frustrated and begin to lose confidence in the institutions of government. People eventually come to the conclusion that the government no longer works for anyone. The fabric of society begins to pull apart. This forces the public to lash out in unexpected ways. It leads to devastating consequences, such as the rise of horrendous political candidates like Donald Trump. (Exactly. And of Hillary as well. This government we have is the product of decades of leftist domination. It is exactly this that has yielded an unwieldy, rights-violating, meddling government we currently have. The Left has gotten what it has been working towards since the days of FDR.)

If Trump were to win the election in November, this would send a horrible message. A Trump victory would loudly proclaim that all of these underhanded political strategies of creating gridlock and sowing the seeds of frustration and division are indeed successful strategies. (That message has already been sent by the Left. It's where the right has learned its techniques. We have learned in recent years to play the game the way the Left has played it, and now the Left is all upset.)

It would prove that these vile strategies work. As a result, of course, we would see these strategies multiply. We would be subjected to ever more gridlock, division and polarization. And this would create a vicious downward spiral for our overall society in the long-term. (Apparently the author is blind to the downward spiral we have been in. Is he really that clueless?)

If the election turns out to be close—even if Trump were defeated—these vile political strategies would still flourish. The Republican Party would likely conclude that their tactics brought them near to victory, so these tactics are effective and should be pursued more vigorously.

If, on the other hand, Trump suffered an enormous defeat in an overwhelming landslide, well, then, this would send a very different message. (Yes, that a dishonest, corrupt, lying politician with no accomplishments and many failures is somehow fit for the highest office in the land.)

And imagine if this landslide also led to the Democratic Party gaining control of the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House, and various state and local governments as well. (Then the efforts of the Left would redouble as they see their opportunity to press further into the chaos they've conceived, nurtured, and celebrated.)

Republicans would be forced to face the reality that, in fact, their vile strategies of division and destruction incited the worst instincts in their party, led to the rise of the disastrous Trump candidacy and resulted in utter failure. They would be forced to abandon their scorched-earth tactics, and instead return to the good old-fashioned concept of what our system is all about in the first place. Namely, the Republicans would be forced into focusing less on destroying their opponents, and more on offering positive and constructive ideas of their own. They would also be forced to abandon their “my way or the highway” approach, and instead compromise with the Democrats to forge bipartisan solutions to governing. ("Compromise," as in agree with Democrats. This is what the issue really is. For decades upon decades the Left has had uncontested control of government. 

In the past, token Republicans offered little or no resistance. Then something changed in the 80s, when voices started to come forth that pointed out the many failures of the leftist philosophy. Disaffected citizens who were previously not afforded access to the halls of power found a perspective they could identify with. 

Those voices began to push for their agenda and counter the leftist prescriptions. The Left was apoplectic. They were the smart ones, they were the ones with the power, they knew better than the unwashed masses. And now the unwashed masses had the unmitigated gall to disagree? This could not be allowed. 

Leftists are never happy with disparate voices. Thus they embarked on a pogrom of demonization and misrepresentation of epic proportions. Bereft of ideas and incapable of point-counterpoint, their only tool in the toolbox was condescension and name-calling, and this is what they did, even to present-day. Stop and think about it. Is there any prominent Republican that isn't a racist? Can you think of a single person on the Right that isn't stupid or eeevil, or both? No, they're all haters and homophobic and greedy and... well, you've heard it a million times.

The rise of the Right, the employment of leftist rhetorical tactics, the awakening of the sleeping giant of middle America, is extremely troubling to the Left. They don't know what to do, and they're beginning to realize that their high and lofty positions are in trouble.) 

Our system would then be returned to balance, and the public trust in our government would be restored. A landslide defeat of Trump would not only dispatch with a dangerous demagogue, (Irony alert.)

but it would also go a long way toward restoring the proper functioning of our democracy.

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