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Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Zinke, Gianforte sacrificing country’s common decency - By Cara Wilder

Found here. My comments in bold.


This letter to the editor writer is completely unaware of her own irony.


“Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly.” - Mahatma Gandhi

I won’t offer a laundry list of the hateful, dangerous rhetoric spewed by the Republican candidate for president, as we’ve all heard enough. (Well, it won't stop her from spewing her own laundry list of hateful, dangerous rhetoric. Unless of course, “heinous demagogue," "madman," "ill prepared," "bigoted," and "lunatic” are examples of civility...)

It is past time for Republican leaders to fully condemn and denounce their heinous demagogue masquerading as a public servant. Those who refuse (Hmm, she sounds kinda fascist. "Those who refuse" to renounce the infidels will be subject to most unfortunate circumstances, I'm sure. Is that a threat, Ms. Wilder?)

reveal their true allegiance: party over country. They are the lapdogs of what’s left of the GOP, falling in lock-step behind a madman, and three of them are right here in Montana: Sen. Daines and Rep. Zinke have both offered full-throated endorsements, and Greg Gianforte, candidate for governor, is complicit through his refusal to speak out against him. Silence is complicity, (More fascistic talk. Confess, you sympathizer! Your silence is suspicious! That's a nice family you have there, it would be a shame if something happened to them!)

and his unwillingness to repudiate the most ill prepared, bigoted candidate in the history of our country reveals he would sooner sacrifice the safety of our people and the core of our democracy than risk losing power. This isn’t public service, but rather blind ambition for power, the country be damned. Remember their actions and names this November, Zinke and Gianforte: gladly sacrificing public safety and common decency by riding the coattails of a lunatic.

(This was published as a single paragraph in the Chronicle, and it reads that way. An endless stream of invective, threats, and hyperbole. 

Then she has the audacity to invoke common decency. However, she wouldn't recognize common decency if it showed up on her doorstep and introduced itself.)

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