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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Submission in marriage - Vox Day

Vox Day expounds on true submission as it applies to wives specifically in Christian marriages, but it seems to me the principles hold true for men in the church as they too are called to submit to one another.
In the gap created by feckless, feminized Churchian pastors across America, one fearless Game blogger boldly stands:
What takes courage, obedience, and faith is to witness a failing Christian husband and remember that the Bible is clear that husbands are the head of the household, and wives are called to submit to their husbands even if the husband is not leading her as Christ leads the Church.

These men are overcome by their own pride and a desire to curry favor with the wives they are speaking to.  In the case of Pastors who sin this way it is to strengthen their position of leadership over their congregation, and this is by far the most damaging act of treachery.  In the case of the omegas circling the camp hoping to find a shortcut to manhood by currying favor with unhappy wives, the treachery is no less real but it is far less damaging because these men are failures whom neither men nor women respect.  But either way, this is how feminist rebellion is sold to modern Christians, and it perfectly explains why movies like Fireproof and Couragous are so eagerly accepted.  Christian women in feminist rebellion are eager to hear a message which absolves them of the clear instruction to submit to their husbands, and far too many Christian men are looking to ingratiate themselves to the women in rebellion.
In his series of three posts on the matter, Dalrock correctly points out:
  1. Marital leadership is a man's Bible-based Christian duty.
  2. The modern Church is actively setting itself against the Bible in this regard.
  3. Female marital submission is not dependent upon a woman's approval of her husband's leadership.
The irony is that the position of the modern Christian church is not dissimilar to the position of the modern Islamic mosque. It removes responsibility from women by rendering their duty to submit dependent upon their husband's quality of leadership.

It is understandably difficult for women raised in a feminist and equalitarian society to accept that they have a Christian duty to be submissive wives to their husbands. But think on this: pride is the source of the original rebellion. To rebel against the clear message of the Bible because it offends one's pride is quite literally Satanic behavior, whether one is male or female.

And one rejects one's Christian duties at one's eternal peril. Rejecting the leadership of one's husband is not necessarily tantamount to rejecting Jesus Christ as one's savior, but God is neither mocked nor fooled, and one always pays a price for disobeying His commands.

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