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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A response to "Stop the Spending"

Vern writes a response to my most recent column, posted on this blog on 11/17:

I have a few questions for Rich (Nov. 18 column, "Stop the Spending"). Disregarding the obscene size of the $106 trillion government unfunded liability, what is its composition? What portions purchase what essential things? What plans exist to reduce the sizes of the portions?

Should we not have hailed out GMC, Chrysler, AIG and others? Why not? Or should we have let them fail? What impact would that have had on the national economy and unemployment?

Should we not have spent stimulus money to get people back to work? What are the alternatives? Civilian Conservation Corps? Federal militia? Or what?

If we replace thriftless members of Congress, how will we keep their replacements from mutating into what we currently have once they get the scent of power and money?'

Your commentary lacked substance, and you took the same easy route as countless news media reporters and columnists - passionately, fluently criticize and condemn in hopes that the readers won't recognize you have nothing new to offer. just wanted you to know I recognized it, and I'll bet others did, too

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