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Friday, September 6, 2024

Why is Trump claiming a coup? His mind cannot conceive of anything else - by Robert Reich

Found here. Our comments in bold.

Speaking of a mind that cannot conceive of anything else,  Dr. Reich is completely locked in to the leftist narrative. Today, in his single-minded obsession with Trump, he steps up to the plate and whiffs yet again.

Dr. Reich cannot have a world where people who disagree with him are anything but bigots, haters, and extremists. 


On Friday, after the rousing Democratic convention (Don't forget "joy.")

was over, Trump charged that Harris’s securing of the Democratic Party’s nomination posed a “threat to democracy.”

“It was a coup. We had a coup,” Trump said of Harris’s nomination, “the first coup of the history of our country, and it was very successful.”

This from a man who actually tried to orchestrate a coup (This is obviously false.)

— who continues to baselessly claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him, (There's good evidence to suggest the election was rigged. 

By the way, why is it that the 2020 election of Biden was secure and fair, but every election since Clinton where a Republican won was stolen? Ever notice?)

who after the election threatened state election officials if they didn’t change their tallies, (False.)

and on January 6, 2021, urged a crowd of armed followers to attack the U.S. Capitol to prevent the election results from being certified. (Spectacularly false.)

What’s Trump’s basis for his absurd claim that Harris orchestrated a coup? He argues that Harris has “no right” to run for president because she got “no [primary] votes to Biden’s 14 Million.” 

This is utter nonsense. ("Utter." That is, way beyond simple error. Trump's claim is apparently egregious and over-the-top. 

Let's see if Dr. Reich documents this.)

The Democratic Party had the power to replace Biden with Harris. (How does that counter Trump's claim of a coup? Dr. Reich has simply pointed out that the Democratic party has to power to institute a coup.)

In choosing Biden, primary voters elected delegates to pick their nominee. Once Biden dropped out, those delegates could pick his replacement. (Term switching. Primary voters are not the same people as delegates. Thus the argument becomes, what are the obligations of the delegates? The Convention rules read:
Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.
The delegates do not have carte blanche power to simply select another candidate.)

They chose Harris. (Um, Dr. Reich? Who were the available choices? One, Harris.)

Their overwhelming enthusiasm for Harris at last week’s convention should have laid to rest any doubts about whether the Democratic Party is behind her. (No one is questioning if the Democratic party is behind her. The question is if the Democratic party orchestrated a coup. Since the primary vote was antidemocratically negated, Harris was selected, not elected.)

Why is Trump saying this was a coup? (Because it was a coup.)

Some analysts think he’s laying the groundwork for claiming, if and when he loses the 2024 election, that the results are illegitimate. (He doesn't need to lay any groundwork. He can make the claim if he thinks it to be the case.)

That may be part of Trump’s motive, but there’s a far simpler explanation: (Yes, there is: Because it was a democratic coup.)

Trump simply cannot believe that Biden — or anyone in Biden’s shoes — would put the nation above their own personal ambition. (??? Biden made millions of dollars in payoffs from foreign interests. His "reported" net wealth is $10 million. How does a public servant become a multi-millionaire?)

Trump’s malignant narcissism cannot conceive of selfless patriotism. To Trump, no one would relinquish power simply because it is in the nation’s interest that they do so. (Um, sir. Trump did relinquish power. Does the name Biden ring a bell to you? Trump's successor?)

Therefore, the Democrats must have forced Biden out. (Well, that much is clear. As recently as July he said he was in it to the end. Only a short time later he announced he was out. Obviously, someone brought pressure.)

Trump insists it “was an overthrow of a president. This was an overthrow,” adding “they deposed a president.” (Trump's right. We have no idea who is running the country now. If Biden was incompetent for re-election, he's incompetent for remaining president.)

Trump is even claiming it was a “vicious, violent overthrow.” (Does Dr. Reich have some evidence, any evidence at all, that it wasn't?)

In Trump’s addled brain, the transition from Biden to Harris had to be vicious and violent because Biden would never have peacefully relinquished power. (Certainly true about democrats. That's why they are unable to accept that they lost an election. That's why they sue, protest, and riot. Dr. Reich in the end has no interest in democracy. Like all leftists, he wants his people in power no matter the method. )

Before the convention, Trump predicted that Biden, “whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him,” would crash it and take back the nomination.

Several times during last week’s Democratic convention, Trump described Biden as an “angry man” who was “seething” at being replaced by Harris. (Does Dr. Reich have some evidence, any evidence at all that he wasn't?)

It is Trump who’s angry and seething, (Dr. Reich's typical rebuttals are simply to deny, then turn it back as an accusation.)

because he now faces an opponent who’s attracting bigger crowds than his and has more volunteers, more donations, better ratings, higher poll numbers, and better vibes. (None of this is true.

Notice that Dr. Reich does not mention ideas or proposals, he's only interested in feels.)

It’s not just that Biden did what Trump would never do — bow out for the good of the nation. (Why was it good for the nation, Dr. Reich? What particular benefit does the nation receive from him bowing out? Hmm?)

It’s that Trump cannot believe Biden bowed out for the good of the nation. (Just saying that Biden did this does not make it true.)

The man who claims to want to “put America first” has always put himself first, and thinks everyone else in public life puts themselves first, too. Or they’re violently overthrown.

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