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Friday, June 9, 2023

Odds & Ends - Dave Ramsey Gets Sued and Chick-fil-A Commits Heresy? - by Rev. Anthony Wade

Found here. Our comments in bold.

The irascible and often unintelligible Rev. Wade is back for another round of vague accusations, undocumented claims, and wild tangents. It's a logical mess. He expends over 1700 words (minus quoted material) in this "devotional" without a single Scripture or Scripture reference apart from the opening verse.

Rev. Wade is a political Leftist. He spouts leftist talking points with fluidity. He is obsessed with the NAR because of their supposed deification of Republicans. He hates those who love their country and want to change it for the better. However, he never, ever has a bad word for any Democrat or Leftist.

We are going to skip Rev. Wade's ramblings about Dave Ramsey, for there is nothing there of substance or value.

For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ. - 2Corinthians 2:17 (ESV)


Chick-fil-A. Yes, God's chicken has apparently been asked to turn in their NAR Credentials because they dared to countermand the Republican Party, which controls the apostate church. What was the great sin of Chick-fil-A? Did they create a Muslim happy meal? Were they introducing a line of atheistic nuggets? Did they stop tithing correctly? No to all of these! They came out in support of racism, unfairness, and exclusion. Wait, I read that wrong. It was diversity, equity and inclusion. I kid you not. Here are the highlights from just one article:

"In the golden days, Chick-fil-A was truly a conservative, principled business, standing firm on the rock-solid Christian foundation laid by its founder, Truett Cathy. Yet today, we witness a spectacle of cultural capitulation that reeks of Marxist-inspired "equity" and "inclusion," words that subtly drip with the venom of anti-white racism and the pervasive, relentless drumming of queer activism." - Disntr

Yes, a spectacle of cultural capitulation. It reeks of Marxist inspiration. Interesting that they used the term "anti-white" racism because they usually do not say the quiet part out loud. What was Chick-fil-A's great sin? They hired a Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, apparently in 2021. Apparently, the outraged stupidity of disntr is also a tad slow in catching up. (Um, yeah, no. The news about this broke just recently.)

Mind you this person is not involved politically in anything. (Diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] is a political philosophy.)

Their role is in making the company of Chick-fil-A to be more inclusive, diverse and have more equity, or fairness. (Rev. Wade provides a Leftist characterization of "woke" ideology. You see, the Left is a master of agitprop, renaming things to make them seem innocuous, desirable, and innocent. Rev. Wade, a Leftist, runs with this technique by appealing to the words themselves and not what then Left means by the words.

The redefinition of language is straight from Orwell's 1984. We are distressed that Leftists like Rev. Wade uses this cautionary tale as an instruction book.)

I must not use the same bible translation that disntr does. Is there a "Bizarro-World" Beatitudes that speaks to the Christian values of whiteness, unfairness and exclusion? (Yes, there is. God prefers one particular race, the Jews, as His chosen people. God is not fair, He is sovereign. And God excludes every soul from heaven who does not bow the knee to Jesus and confess Him as Lord and Savior.)

This does not seem like it will end well.

"In a move that can only be described as a modern-day Judas kiss for the billions upon billions of Christians around the world, Chick-fil-A has thrust Erick McReynolds into the limelight as the company's VP of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. McReynolds, who speaks of "mutual respect" and "dignity" as his driving force is nothing but a veneer masking the company's steady abandonment of its fundamental Christian roots, as it kowtows to the beat of cultural 'wokeness.'" - Disntr

So, hiring McReynolds is akin to betraying Jesus Christ? (We can read the quoted remarks ourselves. There is nothing there about betraying Jesus. Disntr clearly stated that those who were betrayed were Christians.

This is another leftist technique, to insert words into peoples' mouths and recharacterized what was said.)

Do these people realize that Chick-fil-A makes chicken? Fast food chicken? Was Jesus against mutual respect and dignity? (More Leftist talking points.)

What gospel account are they reading? We are all aware that Jesus was a Middle Easterner, right? (Rev. Wade glosses right over his self-refutation. Previously he accused them of embracing "whiteness," but trips over himself by noting Jesus' genetics.)

I know we have been sold a whitewashed Sassoon Jesus over the years but that's just marketing. Disntr gives up the game here though in referencing the nonsensical, false battle against something called woke. (Rev. Wade feigns ignorance. Woke is a self-descriptor for the Left, denoting a heightened awareness of the proper viewpoint regarding the issues of society and culture. The Right has justifiably mocked wokeness, thus turning the word against the sanctimonious Left.

However, Rev. Wade pretends there is no such thing, despite its widespread usage and advocacy.)

Let me assure you beloved, to be Christian is not to be asleep. We do not serve a sleepy Jesus either. (The opposite of woke is not sleepiness, it is non-woke.)

If you honestly think that this level of vitriol and hate is even remotely associated with the gospel, (Yet another Leftist technique, branding those who oppose Leftism as haters.)

I suggest you stop watching political shows and start reading your bible. (A Bible left unopened on Rev. Wade's desk.)

When we stand before Christ, he is not going to listen to tales about how you fought wokeness. Or how you owned the libs. Or how you banned books. Or how you boycotted companies. Or how you avoided fast food chains that promoted the venom of anti-white racism. (Another Leftist tactic, diversion. No one thinks that efforts to oppose evil will be trumpeted before the Throne on judgment day. But for some Christians, the deterioration of society into sin and lawlessness cannot be unopposed. Those men and women have decided to stand firm in the truth, opposing the advance of unrighteousness: 
2Co. 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God...

Not every Christian makes this a priority, but it is quite proper to do so: 

Is. 6:8-9 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go and tell this people: “`Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’" 

Ac. 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than men! 

In Jesus' day everyone hated the lepers, but Jesus touched them and healed them. (Irrelevant tangent.)

They wanted to stone the woman caught in adultery, but Jesus shamed the would-be moral assassins. (Irrelevant tangent.) 

When His own disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven on those wicked Samaritans, Jesus rebuked them. Are you getting the point yet? (Yeah, the point is that Jesus had mercy for those who would repent. But he also had blistering words for those who were unrighteous: 
Mt. 23:33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
As is typical for the Left, Rev. Wade wants to tell the part of the story that favors him.)

"One must wonder, when did Chick-fil-A decide to forsake the eternal truth of the Gospel for the fleeting applause of the cultural elite? When did they trade the 'narrow gate' for the broad highway of fashionable social movements? It seems we have our answer, and it's as disappointing as it is revealing." - Disntr

This is the end result of worshiping this world instead of the eternal. Of worshipping carnal politics instead of Jesus Christ. This is the NAR beloved! This is dominionism! If you honestly think that a company has turned their back on the eternal gospel because they want to try and have fair hiring practices, (Yet another leftist recharacterization....)

then I fear for your personal salvation. The narrow road and broad path are about our sin and salvation, not anger because a company decided that they should hire more than just white people. (Yet another leftist recharacterization....

Further, Rev. Wade presents us with a false choice and a Category Error.)

Do not be caught in the middle of this evil beloved. (Rev. Wade ironically ignores his own advice.)

The bible says Jesus Christ died for ALL, (Where does the Bible say this? Not that we doubt it does, but Rev. Wade repeatedly passes on the opportunity to teach.)

not just those that look like us, talk like us or vote like us. (Not a single anti-woke Christian has ever said that Jesus did not die for people do not look like us, talk like us or vote like us. Again, an irrelevant tangent.)

So, we have our answer indeed. This is not even remotely Christian. (This statement implies that Rev. Wade was employing a train of logic and reason to arrive at a conclusion.)

"Let's be clear - diversity in and of itself is a beautiful tapestry of God's creation. But when it's used as a Trojan horse to infiltrate with doctrines contrary to biblical principles, that's where the line must be drawn. And "equity" is a Marxist trojan horse of the highest order, trampling on individual merit under the guise of collective equality." - Disntr

This article has been too clear. You cannot pay lip service to diversity and then find bogus reasons to be against it. (Summary dismissal. Again and again Rev. Wade manipulates the situation by appealing to common, ordinary meaning of these words, rather than the meaning as used by leftists.)

What unbiblical doctrines have been introduced through diversity? (Homosexual marriage. Universal salvation, Pedophilia is just another choice. God is love and nothing else. Paul's writings were not inspired. Killing unborn babies is holy and beneficial. Cutting off children's genitalia is desirable. Jesus never talked about gayness. Jesus was a socialist. Need we go on?)

By the way, enough with the Marxist boogeyman. (Summary dismissal. However, these things are indeed part of the strategy to install Marxism.)

God has not enshrined our form of government as holy. (Rev. Wade changes the subject. No one was discussing what kind of government might be holy.)

The concept of equity simply means fairness. (Spoken like a true Leftist. Everyone on the Left and the Right knows that equity doesn't simply mean fairness. This is beyond dispute. By denying reality, Rev. Wade manages only to sound like a fool.)

Individual merit is meaningless if the people involved had different starting points. (Quintessential Leftist rhetoric.

Everyone has different "starting points." So if "fairness" [equity] means everyone should start out the same, then some mechanism must be installed for this to happen. Everyone would then start with the same amount of money, the same aptitude and talents, the same family situations, and the same access to opportunities. 

What, exactly, is Rev. Wade advocating for? Well, Marxism. Wealth redistribution. Taxing the rich. Rev. Wade, while decrying the NAR's political involvement, has his own political agenda.)

Besides these cultural arguments we must not lose sight of the fact that this is being presented as being against Christ. (Of course it is. Disntr is certainly free to express its opinion. We note the irony of Rev. Wade's repeated claims of the unchristian nature of those who criticize wokeness.)

As if Christ was not fair or inclusive. (He's not.)

It smears His name and cause, making a mockery of our faith. (What faith is "our faith?" Previously Rev. Wade wrote, I fear for your personal salvation. In other words, his faith is different than your faith, and if you disagree with his politics and definitions of words, you might not be saved.)

"So, farewell, Chick-fil-A. It's been a pleasure knowing you as a Christian entity. Your impeccable waffle fries and heavenly chicken sandwiches will no longer taste the same, marred by the bitter tang of compromise. Your surrender to the demands of the cultural mob is a profound disappointment, perhaps the greatest since Eve bit into the forbidden fruit." - Disntr

Earlier they described this as forsaking the eternal truth of the gospel and now it is the biggest disappointment since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden? Seriously? Once again, we are talking about chicken, right? (No, we were never talking about chicken. We are talking about a company that was expressly formed around the principles of the Christian faith. Now it's caving to leftist ideology.)

Not to mention this Vice President is not new. He has been with the company 16 years and assumed this new role over two years ago. Since then, nothing appears to have changed at Chick-fil-A. (Well, obviously the hire of a DEI officer is a change.)

yet we are supposed to believe this is as bad as when Eve ate the fruit? (Rev. Wade is certainly not unfamiliar with the use of hyperbole, frequently going ballistic at the drop of a hat. Maybe Disntr is being hyperbolic, but we can find no fault with their choice to do so.)

As we wrap this up let me say that the goings on at Chick-fil-A are entirely inconsequential to the cause of Christ. (Undocumented opinion. However, if the company previously espoused its Christian roots and has now begun to abandon them, then that indeed impugns the cause of Christ.)

Personally, I never saw the big deal about their chicken either but that is not relevant. (Rev. Wade refutes himself, previously saying, we are talking about chicken, right?)

What is relevant is when the NAR starts telling Christians that the Great Apostasy is occurring at their local fast-food establishment because they think that maybe they should make sure they are being fair. Maybe they should make sure that all people are represented. That is not wokeness, or any other silly term you want to create. It's basic human decency. The things disntr is telling you is (sic) anti-Christian are actually at the heart of the gospel. Jesus did not just die for one group. The free gift of salvation is for everyone who repents and has faith in Christ. How Chick-fil-A does their hiring is as irrelevant to the gospel as how McDonalds cleans their restrooms, or if they clean them. Mark and avoid the financial hucksters like Dave Ramsey as well as the NAR dominionists crying about anti-white racism. It's ok if you want to eat mor chikin.

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