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Monday, May 15, 2023

Letter to the editor: Just who exactly are the 'far left extremists'? - by Kevin Crawford

Found here. Our comments in bold.

No extreme Left? One might think the letter writer is engaging in satire, but he isn't. He really believes this. His little world, with the media outlets he reads, his friends, the people he admires, and the political policies he agrees with - - this is his normal.

This makes Leftists mainstream, centrists into conservatives, and conservatives become fascists.

Let's answer the author's question, since he is apparently ignorant. These are the far Left extremists:
  • Chaz/Chop
  • Occupy
  • BLM, ANTIFA, etc...
  • The Weather Underground
  • The Black Panthers 
  • Bernie Sanders
  • AOC and the Squad
Here is what the extreme Left perpetrates:
  • 2020 violent protests
  • A long string of the pie throwing, chanting, harassing and shouting down
  • Intimidating Supreme Court Justices
  • Los Angeles Riots of 1992
  • Riot at the 1968 Democratic National Convention
  • Stonewall Riots of 1969
We should say that it doesn't matter if the cause was due to some sort of injustice. It isn't relevant if the letter writer agrees with the purpose for them. We are talking about the EXISTENCE of the extreme Left, not if the letter writer LIKES the extreme Left.

It’s possible the letter writers' lack of self-awareness might be a ploy. Perhaps he’s just furthering the Narrative, which is the daily talking points issued by Central Command. So either he really believes these leftist bumper-sticker slogans, or he's cynically parroting them. Either way, his objectives are to label the real normal people as fascists, to get in more digs at the hated Trump, and to minimize his own extremism.

Curious lately about who, exactly, are the so-called "Far Left," a.k.a. “Radical Left," a.k.a. “Far Left Extremists." (a great name for a band, btw, though I’ve never personally met one!).

As close as I can tell, the U.S. today is comprised of: Far Right Extremists (today known as MAGA/Trumpists or, in 1944 parlance, fascists); Centrists; and Progressives (previously known as Centrists, before the needle moved so far to the right that people like me are now, magically, "Leftists," even though my actual political positions on women's- and civil-rights, war-for-profit, the environment, fascism, etc. haven't changed).

Isn’t a "Far Leftist" a bomb-throwing anarchist bent on overthrowing the government? I don't know a single one of those. Do you? We all, however, know plenty of far right extremists, as the Jan. 6 Committee has just spent a year-plus showing us, and includes every screaming face at every Trump rally in his sorry, career-criminal life.

So, I'm really confused about a "radical left" that doesn't seem to actually exist at all. You don't think that that might just be an entirely-made-up term by the Far Right/ Faux "news" to galvanize a bunch of rubes behind a gaslighting invention of their own making, do you? Because that would be, like, dishonest, right?

And now even such conservatives as Marc Racicot (never a fan of his policies, but an honest conservative) are getting thrown under the bus by the extreme-right for not being extremely-right enough! Wow! Does this give any Montana conservative pause to wonder what depths Republicans’ once “Eisenhower-conservative” beliefs have devolved to? Do any of today’s Montana Republican voters even remember “Ike,” and what honest, non-radical conservatism looked like? Doesn’t seem so from who they’ve elected to our current Legislature — extreme-right carpetbaggers bent on destroying the Montana Constitution — and our rights!

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