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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ultimate Party Foul - NHTSA

Found here. My comments in bold.
With the weight of government behind it, UPF sends a message to teenagers: "If you are caught drinking and driving underage, your social life stops, but your friends' social lives won't." 

Then we are presented with a web page that assaults the eyes.

Now, this is a screen grab. The actual website is in constant jerky movement. Apparently this is what is required nowadays for our short attention span youths.

But the reason for this post is that there is no mention whatsoever about the perils of underage drinking. In fact, the presentation presumes that the drinking is ongoing, and apparently the only thing of concern is the subsequent driving.

In other words, the implicit message is that if you're underage and drinking it's perfectly fine. When you get behind the wheel, however, then there's a problem.

Further, is there really an expectation that teenagers will go to the website and change their behavior? Does the government think that their efforts are necessary and proper, let alone efficacious? Is it in the government where we find the promulgation of acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors?

Perhaps the government would do well to let child-rearing remain with the parents and stop wasting money on telling us not to text and drive, or how to use child safety seats, or what constitutes being a good father.

Also I note for the record there is no government website for motherhood.gov or marijuana.gov. The fact that government picks and chooses its advocacy smells suspiciously like agitprop.

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