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Friday, November 24, 2017

Time to ask how we will get better election results - by Kevin Crawford

My comments in bold.

How do we get better election outcomes than the GOP liars and miscreants (One who has behaved badly, or illegally. The author paints with a wide brush, while of course exempting his own side.)

we largely have now? I see four possibilities:

1. Get corporate money out of elections? Never happen – not with a Republican Congress; they (and even too many Democrats) (Um, most every Democrat. There is virtually no difference between the parties regarding big money contributions. Apparently the author has bought into the frequently told lie that Democrats are the party of the little guy while Republicans are the party of big corporations. It's amazing what people will believe.) 

are too beholden to corporate largesse, and the Supreme Court thinks that corporate money is “free speech.” (Another persistent leftist myth. The Supreme court believes no such thing.)

2. Educate the voters on issues, (If anything, the Left is the ones who lie, obfuscate, and hammer the people with talking points and half truths.)

and why the Daines, Gianfortes and such that they elected are terrible choices. (That is, you are stupid. He is smart, You need to be educated. You're a fool and a loser. This is what the author thinks of the electorate in Montana.)

Don’t see that happening, either; trying to educate the stubborn and willfully ignorant is a fool’s errand, much like trying to teach a pig to sing: it’s a waste of time, and it annoys the pig. Or the Republican. I’ve spent many hundreds of hours trying to educate Republican friends, acquaintances and family with facts, and they just aren’t having any of it, trust me. (Astonishing arrogance. This guy knows the truth, he's the defender of the faith, and apparently it is his job to "educate" his stupid Republican friends. This guy must be a real hoot at parties. If he's ever invited to any.) 

Have the truth or the facts ever dissuaded a single person of something they “learned” on Faux? (I have previously proclaimed that anyone who uses "Faux" as an excuse or an accusation is guilty of a variation of Godwin's law and immediately is disqualified from consideration as a serious interlocutor.)

So what’s left?

3. Convincing the apathetic or disillusioned to care enough to get off the couch and vote! I know, that’s a tough road, too. How do we do it? “Get Out the Vote” campaigns, and registering new voters may be the only way, as today’s youth may well be our best hope – they don’t seem as accepting of business-as-usual corruption and incompetence as most older, set-in-their-ways folk. (How about offering candidates that are electable? After all, Hillary lost to TRUMP!)

4. Or will we just passively watch and wait as the whole country descends into the total plutocracy (A society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens. This is a phenomenon that has continued regardless of who is in office. Apparently it is only a problem when Republicans are in office.)

 and third-world status the GOP has envisioned for us for decades, and towards which we’re accelerating at a frightening pace with the election of a Republican-controlled Congress and White House, until things are so rotten that even the apathetic are roused to action? (Actually, Trunp's election was exactly that. Voters have been moving away from establishment figures, particularly Democrats, for the past few years, and Democrats have lost thousands of elected offices. Voters are fed up with business as usual, and Trump represented a departure from that. How that will pan out is another issue, but there is clearly a movement underway where voters are no longer interested in leftist platitudes.

But rather than blaming the ones who lost, the author thinks the ones who won, after decades of Democrat rule, are the ones to blame.)

I’m hoping there’s still time to choose door number three. (Hmm. The Left has done their level best to energize youth and also the various interest groups who the Left panders to, and the results of their efforts are unremarkable. It seems the Left wants to pin their hopes on the least experienced voters, rather than those who have years or even decades living under the laws Democrats inflict on them.)

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