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Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Says Our Schools Are “Flush with Cash!?” They’re Falling Apart! - BY STEVEN SINGER

Found here. My comments in bold.
It always surprises me when leftists can't or won't argue the topic at hand, but it shouldn't. This author wants to argue everything except the actual subject.

This post originally appeared at Common Dreams.

Donald Trump lies. (Let's see if the author can identify a lie.)

If you haven’t learned that yet, America, you’ve got four more cringe-inducing years to do so.

Even in his inaugural address, he couldn’t help but let loose a whooper about US public schools.

“Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves,” he said. “But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists. … An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.”

To which nearly every poor, nonwhite public school parent, student and teacher in the country replied, “What the heck did he just say now!?” (The author will now cite some schools that are run down and falling apart, but not refute the idea they're flush with cash. 

And we note for the record that each one is located in overwhelmingly liberal cities, with schools run by liberals.)

Los Angeles Unified School District routinely has broken desks and chairs, missing ceiling tiles, damaged flooring, broken sprinklers, damaged lunch tables and broken toilet paper dispensers.
(Trump's claim is that the education system is flush with cash. He did not claim that schools were properly maintained, so this is a non sequitur.)

They’re flush with cash!? (L.A. schools' budget is $7.6 billion, educating 640,000 students. That is $11,875 per student. That certainly sounds to me like L.A. schools are flush with cash. Of course, what they DO WITH THE CASH is entirely a separate issue.)

New York City public schools removed more than 160 toxic light fixtures containing polychlorinated biphenyls, a cancer causing agent that also hinders cognitive and neurological development. Yet many schools are still waiting on a fix, especially those serving minority students. (In 2013, N.Y. city schools had a budget of $25 billion, educating 1.1 million students. That works out to an astounding $22,727 per student. If there are N.Y. schools with toxic chemicals, it can only be because of mismanagement.)

They’re flush with cash!? (Um, yes. They are.)

At Charles L. Spain school in Detroit, the air vents are so warped and moldy, turning on the heat brings a rancid stench. (Apparently there are no janitors employed at this school.)

Water drips from a leaky roof into the gym, warping the floor tiles. Cockroaches literally scurry around some children’s classrooms until they are squashed by student volunteers. (I wonder if the actions of the school's principal, who was charged with getting kickbacks, has anything to do with the budget?

Further, in 2014, Detroit public schools had a budget of $654 million, educating 52,000 students. That's $12, 576 per student. So can we ask why the school is falling apart? Where is the money going?)

They’re flush with freakin cash!? (Yes, they are.)

Are you serious, Donald Trump!?

And this same picture is repeated at thousands of public schools across the nation especially in impoverished neighborhoods. Especially in communities serving a disproportionate number of black, Latino or other minority students. (Given the amount of spending in each school district, we can only conclude that there is wide spread mismanagement and waste of capital assets of these public schools.)

In predominantly white, upper-class neighborhoods, the schools often ARE “flush with cash.” Olympic-size swimming pools, pristine bathrooms — heck — air conditioning! (Wait... I thought that Trump was lying? So there are schools that are flush with cash????)

But in another America across the tracks, schools are defunded, ignored and left to rot.

A full 35 states provide less overall state funding for education today than they did in 2008, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which focuses on reducing poverty and inequality. (This statement tells us nothing. We need to know the total amount of spending from any source, not just the state funding levels.)

A full 35 states provide less overall state funding for education today than they did in 2008, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which focuses on reducing poverty and inequality. Most states still haven’t recovered from George W. Bush’s Great Recession (Gratuitous shot. And by the way, can we ask why we haven't recovered, even though Obama has been president for the last 8 years?) 

and the subsequent state and local budget cuts it caused. In fact, over the same period, per pupil funding fell in 27 states and still hasn’t recovered. (Again, what about the total funding?)

And the federal government has done little to help alleviate the situation. Since 2011, spending on major K-12 programs — including Title I grants for underprivileged students and special education — has been basically flat. (Obama's America.)

The problem is further exacerbated by the incredibly backward way we allocate funding at the local level, which bears the majority of the cost of education. (Backward only if one subscribes to the idea that local schools should not be locally funded.)

While most advanced countries divide their school dollars evenly between students, the United States does not. Some students get more, some get less. It all depends on local wealth.

The average per-pupil expenditure for US secondary students is $12,731. (Ah, so the author admits that there is a pile of cash going in to schools. $254,620 per 20 student classroom, per year, on average. That's a ton of dough.)

But that figure is deceiving. It is an average. Some kids get much more. Many get much less. It all depends on where you live. If your home is in a rich neighborhood, more money is spent on your education than if you live in a poor neighborhood. (So Trump wasn't lying, was he? The author is reduced to whining about the allocation of funds, which is an entirely different matter. A few paragraphs ago, he was whining about the source. But he has yet to address the sheer amount of cash.)

The US is one of the only countries in the world — if not probably the ONLY country — that funds schools based largely on local taxes. Other developed nations either equalize funding or provide extra money for kids in need. In the Netherlands, for example, national funding is provided to all schools based on the number of pupils enrolled. But for every guilder allocated to a middle-class Dutch child, 1.25 guilders are allocated for a lower-class child and 1.9 guilders for a minority child — exactly the opposite of the situation in the US

So, no. Our schools are not “flush with cash.” Just the opposite in many cases. ("In many cases." So the author continues to walk back his claim. Hmm.)

But what about Trump’s other claim — the much-touted narrative of failing schools?

Trump says our schools “leave… our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.”

Not true.

Graduation rates are at an all-time high of 83.2 percent. (The author continues to use his deceptive techniques at whim. Trump did not discuss graduation rates. Graduated students are not necessarily educated students.)

Moreover, for the first time minority students are catching up with their white counterparts. (Again the author brings up an answer that no one asked.)

It’s only international comparisons of standardized test scores that support this popular myth of academic failure. And, frankly, even that is based on a warped and unfair reading of those results.

It depends on how you interpret the data. (Oh, so it's a matter of interpretation, is it? I thought Trump was lying, but now it's more a matter of interpretation?)

Raw data shows US children far from the top of the scale. It puts us somewhere in the middle — where we’ve always been for all the decades since they’ve been making these comparisons. Our schools have not gotten worse. They have stayed the same. (Trump did not claim that schools have gotten worse.)

(The author now embarks on an the reason our schools are failing, thus conceding Trump's premise...)

However, this ignores a critical factor — poverty. We’ve known for decades that standardized tests are poor measures of academic success. Bubble tests can assess simple things but nothing complex. After all, they’re scored based on answers to multiple choice questions. In fact, the only thing they seem to measure with any degree of accuracy is the parental income of the test-taker. Kids from rich families score well, and poor kids score badly.

Virtually all of the top-scoring countries taking these exams have much less child poverty than the US. If they had the same percentage of poor students that we do, their scores would be lower than ours. Likewise, if we had the same percentage of poor students that they do, our scores would go through the roof! We would have the best scores in the world!

Moreover, the US education system does something that many international systems do not. We educate everyone! Foreign systems often weed children out by high school. They don’t let every child get 13 years of grade school (counting kindergarten). They only school their highest achievers.

So when we compare ourselves to these countries, we’re comparing ALL of our students to only SOME of theirs — their best academic pupils, to be exact. Yet we still hold our own given these handicaps!

This suggests that the majority of problems with our public schools aren’t bad teachers, or a lack of charter schools and school choice. It’s money, pure and simple.

We invest the majority of our education funding in rich white kids. The poor and minorities are left to fend for themselves. (The author has yet to provide any evidence this is true.)

This won’t be solved by Trump’s pick for education secretary, Betsy DeVos and her school-choice schemes. In fact, that’s exactly what’s weakened public schools across the country by leaching away what meager funding these districts have left. Nor will it be solved by a demagogue telling fairy tales to Washington’s credulous and ignorant.

We need to make a real investment in our public schools. We need to make a commitment to funding poor black kids as fairly as we do rich white kids.

Otherwise, the only thing flushed will be children’s future.

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