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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fake Pregnancy Centers Will Say Some Ridiculous Things To Trick Women Away From Abortion- BY ALEX ZIELINSKI

Found here. Reproduced here for fair use and discussion purposes. My comments in bold.

The Left is on a never-ending quest to stifle dissent and quash intellectual diversity. Basically, they can't stand someone having another opinion. Thus, anyone who deigns to utter even the slightest divergence from the leftist Handbook of Approved Ideas will be subject to merciless sanction.

Notice even the title of the article is suggestive of this. "Fake pregnancy centers" means that these facilities aren't about pregnant women. But actually, they are about helping women keep their baby and not kill it. Now certainly a pro-choicer would object to the idea that a pregnancy center would actually be about continuing the pregnancy, but by virtue of not being in favor of abortion, they conclude these centers are fake.
If you search Google for “abortion” or “am I pregnant?”, the first ads you’re likely to see pop up are for for local “health clinics” promising instant help. These websites will promise to empower pregnant women with all the facts they have the right to know about their options. Sounds like a progressive, perhaps even feminist, organization — right?

In fact, these clinics are mostly run by conservative, anti-abortion religious groups, (While abortion mills are run by liberal, pro-abortion non religious groups. So what?)

who use clever language to convince women that their “choice” should not be having an abortion. (There is only one choice when it comes to pro-choicers. Abortion. Isn't it irony that they are choiceless?)

Commonly called “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” (CPCs), these groups disguise themselves as health centers, despite the fact that many don’t have any medical professionals on staff. (The author provides no documentation of his claim. We don't know that they disguise themselves or claim they are providing medical services. We don't know how many have or should have medical professionals. Yet the author uses these assertions to build his entire case.)

Many women only discover their existence when they’re seeking an abortion, and are understandably swayed to believe that they offer a balanced perspective — whether it’s online, in waiting room pamphlets, or in person. (How about that they're being offered alternatives that the pro-choice crowd doesn't like? The typical abortion mill is designed to put as many women through the operating room as possible. There's money in abortion, so the more the better. Thus, any competitor that diverts women from their singular "choice" means lost revenue.)

Through guilt-ridden anecdotes, unsettling imagery, (Yeah, apparently those pictures of the results of abortion, accurate, truthful, and gruesome, should be censored so that women can be shielded from the horror of what they're about to do.)

and unsupported claims of lifelong risks linked to abortion, these organizations pull out all the stops to try and counter a woman’s right to chose. (The author's language betrays him. These pregnancy centers, by offering another choice, are in the author's mind countering choice. This kind of tortured thinking is endemic among the Left.)

As of last month, California became the first state to regulate these centers, requiring each of the state’s 170 CPCs to inform their patients about how they can obtain affordable birth control, abortion, and prenatal care. But lawsuits against the new law are already piling up, claiming it’s a violation of these groups’ First Amendment rights. (Interesting. So because these people are saying things pro-choicers don't like, they should be censored.)

Reproductive rights proponents, on the other hand, say that CPCs don’t have the right to present misleading information to patients trying to make a difficult decision about an unintended pregnancy. (The principle of free speech does not contain such a proviso.)

Here’s a roundup of quotes pulled from CPCs’ websites, mass distributed informative pamphlets for CPCs, and the websites of “post-abortion recovery” organizations across the country:

Implying Women Are Unable To Make Their Own Choices

This appears to be the key angle used by CPCs and pamphlet publishers: If you’re getting an abortion, you must be uneducated. (Hmm. If the purpose of crisis pregnancy centers is to offer alternative information, the natural presumption is there is a reason for them doing so. In other words, one does not set out to educate people who are already educated.) 

Many websites insist that women often don’t see the “whole picture” in deciding whether or not to get an abortion. (It's the opinion of crisis pregnancy centers that this is the case. If it isn't the case, then why does the author object to what they're doing? It's like complaining about the contents of a book in the library. They don't like what's in the book, and they don't want anyone reading it.)

Ironically, most of these resources lack any accurate information (The link is to an opinion piece on the leftist website Salon. Thus we can safely dismiss it.)

on the benefits of abortion ("Benefits?" Like snuffing out an innocent life because the existence of that life is inconvenient? Maybe that life will go on to become a doctor and find a cure for breast cancer. Providing a supply of fetal body parts so as to create another profit center for the abortion mill? Targeting minorities disproportionately so as to fulfill Margaret Sangers' vision to eliminate "human weeds?"

Actually, it's the abortion mill that benefits, not the woman. And certainly the unborn child has no benefits.) 

— and it’s rare for any CPC employees to have any background in medicine. (Irrelevant, since we don't have documentation that they're dispensing medical advice.)

Instead, they use coercive language to come across as the one nonjudgemental space in a pregnant woman’s life, as a “safe haven” — which couldn’t be further from the truth. (Painting with a broad brush, all these CPCs do this, you see. They coerce, they lie, they dispense inaccurate information. Can the author be any more hyperbolic?)

“Abortion is one of the only irreversible decisions you will ever make.” [source] (True. A dead baby will always be dead.)

“Many women make the decision to have an abortion without ever discussing either the medical procedures or the health considerations with anyone. Perhaps no other procedure is performed with this degree of patient ignorance.” [source] (True. As we noted above, abortionists don't want pictures of their handywork shown to women. Apparently women are stupid fragile flowers who need to be shielded from the reality of their "choice.")

“Strong ambivalent feelings cloud her ability to think clearly regarding the decision she is about to make. She is pressured to present herself for an abortion during the first three months of the pregnancy and also to safeguard her secret.” [source] (True again. A person in crisis is at risk for making poor choices. Abortion mills take advantage of this by offering to eliminate the "problem.")

“Often times a girl in a crisis pregnancy feels pressured by her boyfriend or family to abort her baby. This may feel like the easy way out, thinking that no one will have to know, and that you can get on with your life, things can get back to normal. Slow down for a moment and think this choice through very carefully.” [source] (True again. Why rush an important decision? Why the hurry to chop up your baby into pieces? Why not consider other options? Why give in to peer pressure?)

“Our world says, ‘It’s your body — your choice! You have the right to have an abortion.’ The truth is, just because something is legal does not necessarily mean that it’s right.” [source] (Again, right on. Legality doesn't determine morality.)

Suggesting Abortion Leads To Lifelong Trauma and Guilt

These resources begin unveiling their real position on abortion when it comes to describing a woman’s life after ending a pregnancy . They paint a dreary picture: lifelong regret, depression, promiscuity, isolation, sexual dysfunction, severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — the list is endless. But according to a recent three-year-long poll, 95 percent of women who’ve had an abortion have no regrets about their decision. (Ahh, so at least  5% DO experience these things. Case closed.)

And despite the CPC scare tactics, women who have had an abortion are no more prone to mental health issues than anyone else. (There seems to be some evidence this is true. I wonder if this is due to the constant barrage of pro-choice propaganda about abortion making women feel empowered and in control of their lives. Believing the propaganda would certainly facilitate the self delusion that everything is fine.)

“Women, and all those involved in the decision to abort, must believe, or try to believe, that there was no human life present in the womb. To admit this is to admit complicity in the killing of an innocent human being.” [source] (Yet another truth. Is the author going to refute any of these statements?)

“Women who have undergone abortion may be grouped as follows: 1) those who are suffering post-abortion reactions on an acute or chronic basis; and 2) those who have no identifiable problems now but are at risk at a future ‘stress time’.” [source] (This certainly seems plausible to me.)

“Women who have abortions are more likely to abuse their other children. Children of aborting women have higher rates of behavior problems.” [source] (This also could be true.)

“Women may become anxious or uncomfortable with sexual activity. Others may become promiscuous.” [source] ("May become." in other words, this could happen. It then falls to the abortion advocates to prove this never happens.)

“Many mothers who have abortions feel terrible about it for years and years and years.”[source] (Again, the proof needs to be provided that this NEVER happens.)

“Abortion is so harmful to a woman’s emotional health simply because it is unnatural. A woman knows it is not right to end the life of her child…. She knows it is wrong and the regret will be with her the rest of her life.” [source] (Sounds like an opinion as opposed to stating a documented fact.)

“Her inner life is often plagued by guilt and shame, nightmares of babies being sucked down tubes or dying in horrific accidents or violent crimes.” [source] (Again, this needs to be demonstrated  as NEVER happening.)

Using Unnecessarily Graphic Language

A common feature of nearly every CPC’s website is an in-depth description of each type of abortion procedure — from the mifepristone pill to a late-term abortion. While medically accurate, (Oops, it's medically accurate. We just can't have people hearing about accurate information.)

the descriptions go past the necessary detail with subtly upsetting and gory phrases — calling to mind the recent false and exaggerated description of abortions by presidential candidates and members of Congress. Most of the detail focuses on late-term abortions, which is the rarest of abortion procedures. (So it's better that they don't know that there is a child in there that will be chopped up and sold to the highest bidder.)

“The suction pulls the fetus’ body apart and out of the uterus. The fetus’ skull is crushed to ease removal.” [source] (Again, is this not true?)

“A surgeon partially pulls the fetus out of the birth canal feet first, punctures the base of the skull with a scissors or other sharp instrument to insert a catheter into the skull to remove its contents, then collapses the skull so that the head can be delivered without harming the woman’s reproductive organs.” [source] (Sigh. This is true again.)

“From the moment of conception we have a unique life and genetic structure. Just 21 days after conception, a child’s heart is beating and circulating its own blood. Abortion stops that beating heart.” [source] (The author is proving the opposition's case.)

Dramatizing The Health Risks Of Abortion

Taking a page from pro-choice advocacy language, many CPCs emphasize the women’s health angle in their literature. However, emphasizing how dangerous an abortion procedure can be glosses over the fact that many of these risks are common in any medical procedure, like anesthesia or infections. Studies have shown that legal abortions are “markedly safer than childbirth” and the risk of a mother’s death is approximately 14 times higher during childbirth than an abortion. (So having an abortion is better than giving birth? Then we can safely say that no women should be subject to the risk of birthing her baby. Kill 'em all.)

Many anti-abortion organizations also lean on outdated studies claiming women who have an abortion are more prone to get breast cancer. However, scientific research has repeatedly debunked any kind relationship between the two. (And when another study comes along and demonstrates a link, well, that's what happens in research. The state of the art is always changing, and new information may come up in the future. In the meantime, however, keep killing babies.)

“Surgical abortion may harm a woman’s reproductive system, damaging her uterus or cervix, leading to future reproductive problems. Chemical abortions are bloody, painful, and dangerous, but the long term effects on the body are unknown.” [source]

“Abortion is not just a simple procedure; it may have many side effects. Abortion has been associated with preterm birth, emotion and psychological impact, and spiritual consequences.”[source]

“Complications from general anesthesia used during abortion may result in convulsions, heart complications and death, in extreme cases.” [source]

“Negative health effects due to prolonged post-abortion syndrome: Trauma because an unborn baby has been destroyed.” [source] (I stopped commenting on each item, because they all have the same answer. We would like to see some evidence these are true.)

Suggesting That Abortion Ruins Men

As if guilt-tripping the woman isn’t bad enough, a lot of these websites describe the terrible effect their decision had on the men who impregnated them. How having an abortion will not only permanently damage a man for life, but also promptly end a woman’s relationship with him. There’s nothing about how going through an unplanned pregnancy — let alone raising a human being together — will change this relationship.

“Women often think that the father of the baby wants her to have an abortion because he says things like “It’s up to you” “I don’t care” “It’s your choice.” If you want to remain in a relationship with this person, abortion is going to put your relationship at risk.” [source]

“Despite his promises, a woman’s partner often leaves after the abortion.” [source]

“Typically the relationship with the father of the child ends abruptly because he cannot accept her in her distraught state, or because they see themselves as accomplices in bringing about the death of their child.” [source]

“Like women, they too may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress and psychosomatic illnesses. They may turn to alcohol and drugs as self medication for the depression which engulfs them as a result of their despair of ever being the husbands and fathers they had hoped to be. They may also become addicted to work, exercise, or promiscuous sexual activity.”[source]

(If I as the father were told that my child would be aborted, I would have resentment, regret, and a feeling of helplessness. I would always wonder about what my son or daughter would have been like. I would think about the times I would have bounced her on my knee, played catch in the back yard with him, watched her graduate from college, and eventually enjoyed my grandchildren. 

None of this would happen. What a tragedy. What a waste. What an atrocity.)

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