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Saturday, July 4, 2015

5 Things Churches Should Do Immediately to Protect Themselves - Charisma News

Found here.

1. Have something in the church bylaws that state that your church will not perform same-sex weddings for members and non-members but will conduct wedding ceremonies for one man and one woman as biologically designed by birth (to protect against having to perform "transgender weddings" between those identifying themselves as a man and a woman).

2, Have a stipulation in your church by laws that say something like "if their congregation is ever legally forced to perform same sex weddings, all clergy in their congregation will opt out of performing civil ceremonies and will only perform biblically based "covenant ceremonies" that bless the union between one man and one woman as biologically defined by their natural birth.

3. Every church needs to have clear criteria regarding who qualifies to be a church member–based on the biblical standards of morality and ethics as well as a process for membership termination. Once written, this section of the bylaws should be given and signed off by each person before they are accepted as official church members.

4. The church should have a written policy that disallows non-members and non-attendees and or outsiders to rent and or use any of their facilities for same-sex weddings and or any civil ceremonies related to marriage.

5. If all else fails, and the courts eventually override church by laws—then the only alternative left will be for biblically based clergy to engage in civil disobedience and refuse to comply with the law—irrespective of the penalties, consequences and cultural stigma they will receive.

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