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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Republicans learned nothing from election - letter by Mary Vant Hull - Commentary

I've previously addressed Ms. Hull before, here and here. My comments are interspersed in bold. 
I called Rep. Rehberg’s office to ask him to please do well by the entire country by voting for President Obama’s solution to the fiscal “crisis.” (I doubt that Ms. Hull could even cite the President's plan, since there wasn't one.)

The receptionist just laughed a bitter (Bitter? I doubt that.)

laugh and immediately transferred me to Speaker Boehner’s office. That was worthless: His receptionist has also taken leave of her senses and says thanks for agreeing with Speaker Boehner — as if I agreed with his foolishness. 

And foolishness it is. The Republicans are still pressing for tax breaks for the richest among us, the 1 percent who own 40 percent of the wealth of the entire country (As has been her track record, Ms. Hull conflates ideas. The 1 percent she cites is wage earners, while the 40% is total wealth. A high wage earner can have zero wealth, while a billionaire can have zero income. Even her 40% is wrong, however. The real number is 34.6%. Further, she mischaracterizes what the Republicans want. The EXISTING tax code is expiring, and the Republicans wanted to CONTINUE the EXISTING tax rates for EVERYONE, rather than allow them to rise. The Democrats wanted the tax rates to stay the same for incomes under $250,000, and raise them for those above that. So, Republicans weren't cutting taxes for the rich, they were preserving taxes as they were.)  

Research shows that the chasm between the richest and the majority of us is the greatest since just before the Great Depression (Actually, wealth disparity increases when Democrats hold the power, and decreases when Republicans hold the power).

Most economists tell you that such a disparity is asking for serious economic trouble once again (Does she mean economic trouble like what we're in right now?).

Why? Because when ordinary people have too small a part of the nation’s wealth, people can’t buy even the necessities, so demand drops, so businesses lose money, so their employees get fired, and so the vicious cycle ensures a race to a Depression bottom (And a few billion in taxes from the 1% will fix exactly zero.).

But despite Obama winning the election (Would it be imprudent to ask Ms. Hull if she got behind President Bush when he won reelection? Or how fully she supported the Republicans when they took the House in 2010? Or when they took Congress in 1994? I'm almost certain that her standard is applied in only one direction) 

by more than 5 million votes (51%),

the Republicans in Congress (Who won the House again in 2012) 

continue demanding that the richest must continue receiving disproportionate tax breaks (More semi-clever phraseology. She is referring to raw dollar values. So a hypothetical 10% across the board tax cut would "benefit the rich" because their 10% is a bigger number.).

What we learned from Romney, despite his refusal to open his tax returns, is that people like him don’t use their wealth to create jobs (What they do with their money is their business, not Ms. Hull's. But unfortunately for Ms. Hull, Romney created more jobs with his wealth than Obama ever could dream of.)  

— they just stash it in places like the Cayman Islands (she must not have heard that Obama's portfolio has some investments in the Caymans.),

just in case they need it for a rainy day. Ha! (He may or may not need it, but that is for him to decide. It's his money. Ms. Hull and the government have no business deciding who has too much money.)

Mary Vant Hull


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