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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Name calling for me but not thee - FB conversation

Dennis Prager wrote an interesting article that made a few assertions about atheists: http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=359933&fb_comment_id=fbc_10150504192403776_22450260_10150504899303776&ref=notif¬if_t=open_graph_comment

Someone made this comment:

"More straw men. Liberals are not necessarily atheists,nor are they in any way "anti-family" ,nor do they think that there is no such thing as right and wrong and that anything should be permissible ,etc.

But evangelical Christians tend to be appallingly ignorant,narrow-minded, self-righteous and insufferably sanctimonious. They think that they and they alone will go to "heaven" and that all those who do not share their rigid and irrational beliefs are doomed to "hell". Their bigotry toward gay people is despicable.
Their relentless Bible-thumping and arrogance is disgusting."

I replied, quoting him: 'But evangelical Christians tend to be appallingly ignorant,narrow-minded, self-righteous and insufferably sanctimonious.'

Um, straw man, meet irony.

He replied: SOME liberals and some Christians and some of anything are DISGUSTING...that's not the point.

My rejoinder: 'Tend to be' has now become 'some.' Feel free to backtrack as far as you like.

So, do you HAVE a point besides engaging in the same gratuitous stereotyping that so offends you?

And he responds: Wait a minute, LIBERALS aren't nec anything except, probably GOOD things, and CAN lie, cheat and steal in the name of the CAUSE.

And then this: When neither side is perfect, I can still chose which one is less dangerous.

Me: "Tend to be." "Some." And now, "neither side is perfect." Let's keep those goal posts moving...

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